CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Miley Cyrus / The Strokes

Miley Cyrus does Justin Bieber, gross cruise-goers, Taboo and Alright, that sounded bad. Anyway, we'll have embedded videos of most of the sketches here when we get 'em!

- Season 36, Episode 16 - "Miley Cyrus/The Strokes"

Cold Open: Duh! Winning! With Charlie SheenBill Hader may look nothing like Charlie Sheen, but he does a great Sheen voice. It was weird seeing Miley Cyrus make an appearance and the audience made no cheers at all for her. Well this sketch wasn’t totally great, but it was worlds better than the real, live Charlie Sheen show that debuted earlier tonight. No, I’m not kidding.

Monologue: Miley Cyrus — There really wasn’t much to this monologue at all. Hard to say anything about it except that, rather than us being treated to a bong-related skit, she sang about her past here.

BabySpanx — Repeat from earlier this season, but a great one to show again.

Our Time! With Taboo and! — “I am from The Matrix.” – Taboo. Y’know, I am so out of touch that I had no freakin’ idea who these two guys were until they said they were with the Black Eyed Peas. I really think the sketch would have been funnier had it been just two random people they made up to have their own show. Hell, it could have been the new Wayne’s World if they did it right! But they didn’t.

The Sound of Music lost scenes — Anyone else think Armisen was channeling Cheech Marin in this sketch? Some of the other The Essentials sketches in the past were pretty good, but this one didn’t stand up. Best part was when Richie addressed the S.S. sitting in the front row.

Disney Channel Acting School — All this sketch did was prove to me that the non-cartoon kids shows on Disney Channel are just downright creepy. Is this what I have to look forward to being on our TV when my son gets older? Please say it isn’t so.

The Miley Cyrus Show — Well you knew this was coming. I just didn’t think the real Cyrus would come on as … Justin Bieber? That was pretty strange. The salvia joke fell pretty flat, and once again Sudeikis stole the sketch as Billy Ray. It may have been more funny if Cyrus came on the sketch as Vanessa Bayer.

Musical Guest: The Strokes — Finally a band I dig, with music I can get into.

Weekend Update — It seemed like W.E. was pretty light this week, didn’t it? I like The Devil bit, but the rest of it seemed kind of lacking.

Les Jeunes de Paris — Like list time, I just don’t get this sketch at all; just not funny. I knew it was coming when we saw the set during a commercial, too, and I was dreading it. Anyone reading this like these sketches?

Beastly — This was OK, but then it got pretty damn funny when I realized, a minute or so later, that this was mocking a real movie. The real trailer almost threw me for a loop!

Rock-a-Billy Lady Party — This sketch reminded me of the weird late-night commercials that come on … well, after SNL is over.

Gross Cruise Singer — It’s a shame this skit seemed to get cut off early, because it seemed like it was headed toward being the best sketch of the night.

Gurney Month on CBS — This was pretty funny — and true — but why did they cut off the earlier sketch for this? It’s too bad, because this seemed like it was a filler faux-commercial that could have been saved for some other episode.

Photo Credit: NBC

11 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Miley Cyrus / The Strokes”

March 6, 2011 at 3:09 AM

The Rock-a-billie Lard Party sketch was pretty strange and funny. After the show I was flipping channels and there was a commercial for some anti-aging creme that came with a surprise bonus gift and all I could think was that it was a CD or four. The funniest part was when they were addressing the mix-up in the names. I skipped through the music, so the show seemed really short.

March 6, 2011 at 3:28 AM

I’m 45, how old do you have to be to write up stuff like this and not know the subject matter? I wouldn’t bother if I couldn’t put it into current context, as you obviously can’t (wouldn’t?). Cyrus wasn’t the problem with the show, the writing was atrocious.

March 6, 2011 at 6:38 AM

Keith, the one show you must have your kids watch on Disney is Phineas and Ferb. I don’t care that Debbie doesn’t like it, it’s awesome and has a great message. Also, there’s a silly evil genius with a German-ish accent. That’s always good TV.

March 6, 2011 at 10:19 PM

I don’t like P&F for my 6-y-o … it’s a fine show for tweens. It’s not violent and it’s pretty creative, but why does a little guy have to watch a show with Candace’s dating woes and words like “idiot” and “stupid” — it’s just too mature for him, including the whole “hip” vibe. He’s 6! But a secret agent platypus outweighs all of the negative, right? ;-)

March 6, 2011 at 8:42 AM

happy 1: Why so grumpy, happy? I think the only thing I didn’t get was the absurd names of the ‘Black Eyed Peas’ group members. I mean, “” really? That’s funny just on its own. It’s probably because I just don’t give a shit about the group.

Katie: Oh, Owen is already deep into P&F, despite Deb really not liking it. *whisper*I actually like it a lot.

March 6, 2011 at 3:07 PM

I’m 48 and I like the BEP, so that bit was funny to me because I never knew those guys’ names until I went to their concert last summer. At one point they all got solo sections and Taboo basically came out of the stage on a Tron lightcycle, flew over the audience and went back to obscurity. So, to me, that sketch was pretty funny (but Jay Pharao’s was just awful). I thought Miley did a respectable job, but she wasn’t given a lot to work with. If she’d just taken off the makeup to be Bieber, that would have been even better but I thought she had all of his mannerisms down perfectly. When the writers are really excited about a host, it shows (like the Betty White show), and when they’re not you get something like this week’s show.

March 6, 2011 at 10:26 PM

It always makes me feel good to find another adult Phineas and Ferb fan. Did you see the musical episode? It was awesome.

March 6, 2011 at 10:37 PM

Don’t think we saw that, but there’s a bunch of P&F on Netflix streaming now that we’re all over. I still have that one song in my head: “Bow-chicka bow-wow, that’s what my baby said!”

March 6, 2011 at 10:46 PM

I think the musical is in the 2nd Season. The first song has about 7 classic movie references.

March 7, 2011 at 10:24 AM

No, but I did love the Christmas episode!

March 17, 2011 at 10:26 AM

If you knew anything about Taboo and before the episode, you would’ve known that was the best sketch of the night. It was so hilarious and so true – I fell off the bed when they put the Super Bowl picture up. And in case anyone was wondering, Taboo is Mexican-Shoshone and not Asian at all.
Disney sketch was a close second, if only for Kenan’s Raven-Symone.

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