CliqueClack TV

Jay goes gay on Modern Family

My favorite 'Modern Family' character lets loose with Nathan Lane and his homies - make that homos - in an episode where characters show another side of themselves.

- Season 2, Episode 18 - "Boys' Night"

I just love Modern Family so much. Why? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that it’s hard for me to pick and choose the best quotes of the episode, because they are all so damn funny.

I’ve been a huge Ed O’Neill fan ever since I started watching this show. You may remember that my first guest clack on this site described the evolution of my affinity for this man. Last night’s episode was like taking our relationship to the next level: I went from “like” to “love.”

I have always been really, really annoyed by Nathan Lane, and last night was no exception. However: the gay guys’ night out was so over-the-top that I couldn’t help but laugh at even Pepper’s lines. I’m not sure where he was gayest: as Albert in The Birdcage; as un-gay Bobby Fine in Sex and the City; or in this role. But I enjoyed it. Also, Mitchell and I share the same crush on Rob Lowe from St. Elmo’s Fire.

I have partaken of absinthe once in my life (um, hi mom); and I have to say that the experience is otherworldly. Like a friend of mine once said, “It’s like being high without being messed up.” (He didn’t say “messed,” actually, but you get the idea.) So Jay becoming one with the gays was definitely believable, even for him.

I’m glad the plot went that way, actually, because at first I was upset that he didn’t actually go to see Vivaldi with Gloria and Manny and was thus a tad disappointed in him. I thought he’d pull through or something. But I loved the way the episode went instead. Gloria enacts perfect revenge, and Jay rides off with Pepper to his left and a yappy dog on his lap.

The other storylines of the episode were pretty good, too, although I didn’t exactly see Walt (Philip Baker Hall) as the scary guy Claire and Phil portrayed him as. (To me, he was just sort of a curmudgeon.) And it kind of makes sense that Luke would befriend an old dude. Not sure why, but it works.

One thing I’m a little sick of is Dylan and Haley. I think Haley might need to get a new schtick. I’m trying to decide whether she is funnier sans Dylan, and I think the answer is yes. Dylan is somewhat amusing, but when he acts dumb, he just seems … dumb. When Haley acts dumb, it’s hilarious.

Again, it was hard to pick just a few quotes, but here are some of my favorites:

“I’ve been spending a lot of time with a lot of straight people lately, and darlin’, I need a night with my homies!” — Mitchell
“You mean homos.” — Cameron

“It’s oxygen.” — Walt, referring to his tank
“We have that in our house, but we don’t need tanks.” — Luke”
“Oh, for God’s sake, just get your ball.” — Walt
“Okay.” — Luke [Holds breath and goes into the house]

“Little kids can be friends with old people, right?– Claire
“Of course they can. There’s tons of examples: Up … um, Gran Torino, True Grit …” — Phil
“Cartoon, kills himself, she loses an arm — we’ve gotta go talk to that guy.” — Claire
“Now? It’s so dark!” — Phil

“What about the crab cakes?” — Manny, referencing his discussion with Jay about trying new things
“That was a fluke. And I can’t slather that boring music in tartar sauce.” — Jay

“So, what does a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?” — Jay
“[interjecting] Nobody say anything.” — Mitchell

“Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.” — Pepper
“Aww. Are you making a bad pun, or just lisping?” — Crispin

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Jay goes gay on Modern Family”

March 26, 2011 at 12:10 AM

Hehe. I promise it didn’t do any permanent damage. ;)

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