CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – I’m not a-f#@king-fraid of elegance!

'Dancing With the Stars' just gets more and more interesting. And the strange and sometimes disturbing quotes are flying! Here's who's going home this week and my pick to win ...

- Season 12, Episode 9 - "Season 12, Episode 9"

O.K. So I was wrong last week about Kendra leaving Dancing With the Stars. But, if you remember, Sugar Ray was my second choice. So I feel less embarrassed about not calling it directly. However! Now is Kendra’s time to go fox trot into the sunset. Even she looks and acts like this is just pure torture at this point, so it would be a mercy killing in my opinion.

Before she goes though, I just have to say a few things or I’ll explode. First, I absolutely adored the bitchy comments Kendra made about judge Carrie Ann in rehearsal. See, if you missed it, Carrie Ann has been completely wigging Kendra out about her sensuality, sexuality, and fear of being elegant and ladylike over the last several weeks.

My guess here, is that Carrie Ann is secretly insecure and hateful towards Playboy bunnies. Maybe she wanted to be one herself at one time. But being Asian and dark haired just wasn’t jiving with Hef’s view of blond and busty. So! She’s kind of getting her own back by playing around with Kendra’s quote unquote brain. Wouldn’t that be evil and delicious?

Anyway, that’s my theory. It has to be fairly difficult to make an ex-stripper and Playboy live-in feel like “trash.” When seeing Kendra’s meltdown, which included the quote in my headline, I couldn’t wait to see the fallout! (BTW that quote is so fabulous I want a t-shirt!)

But, as I knew would happen, Kendra and Carrie Ann made nice-nice and made up after her “dance.” Louis choreographed that one perfectly, as it was basically robotic marching and clopping around. Surprise of surprises, Kendra (again) mentioned she had her period last week and it wasn’t the right time of the month for that comment. I love this show!

While we’re talking about quotes, there’s a few I would be remiss not to comment on. Judge Len Goodman always gets so ruffled when dance numbers get too sexy, when the guys rip off their shirts, or grind etc. So I’m perplexed at how he can be as old as Chelsea’s great Grandfather and say to her “Yum yum. What a bum!” Or comment to Cheryl Burke, that during the theme of America week, “It’s so nice to see Cheryl showing off the Smoky Mountains.” Whaa? I abhor hypocrites. Or Bruno telling Ralph, “I need fire down bellow…give me SEX, man!” Yikes people. Kids are watching. And I personally don’t need to picture some of this stuff in my head. Kay?

But did I mention, I love this show?

Oh, and Chelsea and Mark should take this trophy easily. Really. You should listen to me, as I’m not a-f@#king-fraid of elegance and know it when I see it!

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – I’m not a-f#@king-fraid of elegance!”

April 19, 2011 at 11:53 AM

Great review again Gurl###

I really love all the crazy quotes. Kendra is such a pain. I really hope she is going home. AND I was HOPING that Cheryl and her partner would be bad because Cheryl really gets on my nerves.

I agree with you about Len. Maybe he makes those comments about the guys because unlike Bruno he’s afraid to come out of the closet. LOL!

p.s. sometimes Kendra does act like trash. IMO!

Great review! Thanks for the laugh!

April 20, 2011 at 2:41 PM

Yea! I like Chris but can’t stand Cheryl, either. Not sure what it is, either.

April 19, 2011 at 12:44 PM

re: Kendra re: Me hearing the “that time of the month” quote. I actually said out loud, “No she deh-ent”

I love Bruno. He is beyond Bizarre.

Fun review.

April 20, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Ah! I missed this entry, Tara. Sorry ’bout that.
My son’s commentaries when I watch shows like this are so hilarious. He’s not really watching,but listening while in the kitchen doing homework or playing a game.
Regarding Kendra’s outfit, “She looks like Wonder Woman’s crazy blond sister.”

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