CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – Sometimes results suck. Yeah I’m talkin’ to you Kendra!

I'm so astounded about the results of 'Dancing With the Stars' this week, that I feel a bit gassy. Pass the Pepto please!

- Season 12, Episode 10 - "Season 12, Episode 10"

Usually, I’m quite excited when pretty girls get the shaft. But not on this results show of Dancing With the Stars. Petra Bobinkova (or whatever) seemed like a genuinely nice person. Although her accent was fairly heavy, so maybe she was really telling us all to go to the devil, and I just didn’t realize it. You know. Sometimes when really beautiful people talk, you’re not concentrating on the words as much as you should. You’re looking at their hair extensions, or lip gloss or some other intimidating thing, while feeling inadequate and all “split-endy.”

But she didn’t deserve to get it. For a second there, I was sweating for Kirstie and Maks. I mean, face it. They’re hugely funny and entertaining, however their dancing needs to get much better. I did have more faith in their fan base then in Petra Nometravolta’s. You know what I’m saying? I mean, really. There’s not a lot of 20 something guys out there committed to voting.

Having said that, though, who in the world is voting for Kendra at this point? Is it what I have always secretly suspected, and Hugh Hefner really runs the Western world deep inside his mule slippers and swanky robe? Hmmmm. Maybe Hugh just went to ABC and threatened to have all the execs sent to Siberia if they didn’t let Kendra move along. Maybe Carrie Ann should watch her back. Or maybe I should shut up before I “mysteriously” disappear.

Other random thoughts — Was Toby Keith any good? I don’t know. I was playing laser light with my cat.

If Len gets a “Grumpy” mug, then should we give Bruno a “Snow White” one? Hey. Settle down, it was a joke.

And I’m so glad Maks knows he’s hot. But his story about himself being a stick dipped in sexy and then himself eating the sexy stick just confused me. No matter. He doesn’t need brains!

On to next week!


Photo Credit: ABC

12 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – Sometimes results suck. Yeah I’m talkin’ to you Kendra!”

April 20, 2011 at 11:07 AM

I missed half of the results show because I was watching “Raising Hope” after “Glee.”
I missed the sexy stick schtick.

OK, while I totally think Kendra should have been sent packing long ago (I think her hubby Hank has some connections in the football world and those lusty dudes are sexting in votes for her)… I didn’t like Petra. There. I said it. Lurve Dmitri since his dancing days on SYTYCD. Something about her translates to me as being just as disingenuous as Kendra. I want to punch her (Kendra)in her Grand TaTas for being a whiny little thing. When she was pissing and moaning about Carrie Ann’s remark “I think you’re afraid of elegance.” My son said as he looked up from his DSi, “Your mouth sure fears elegance.” Hooray to Louis for telling her what she said to the judges (last week?)was inappropriate.
Anywho… Palin’s kid stuck around far too long last season and truly talented dancers were sent home. It’s just the way of the flawed voting.

April 20, 2011 at 11:38 PM

Marissa, didn’t you hear her? She had her period! Yikes. You’re so uncaring:)

April 20, 2011 at 1:27 PM

Snow White? More like Tinkerbell! I kid, I kid!

I thought for sure Kendra was a goner. I don’t think Petra is disingenuous at all. She seems like a lovely, sweet, caring person. She runs a foundation to help kids, for Pete’s sake! I think she should have stayed a bit longer because there is no real sure thing this season. The remaining celebs are all over the place as far as the scoring so it’s anyone’s game (except, hopefully, not Kendra’s). I remember Dmitri from SYTYCD too! And Chelsea and Lacey. I think it’s cool that they were able to parlay that exposure into jobs on another dance show. I don’t really have a favorite right now, but I hope Kirstie stays around till the finals.

April 20, 2011 at 11:44 PM

Chuck! Tinkerbell is perfect!

April 21, 2011 at 12:07 AM

I’m sure Bruno would agree. He used to be Snow White, but he drifted.

Thank you, Mae West.

April 20, 2011 at 4:39 PM

Kendra….bla bla bla bla bla…! Not too long ago I watched an interview with Petra and yes, she is absolutely genuine. After her ordeal with the earthquake and Tsunami in 2004 while on vacation in Thailand…she started a charity called Happy Hearts Fund which helps rebuild children’s lives after natural disasters. She actually clung to a palm tree for 8 hours until rescued..her boyfriend was lost and never found.

April 20, 2011 at 11:41 PM

I had no idea Mikki! And see, if she was truly disingenuous or nasty or out for herself, she would have played that story up. Seriously though. Poor girl. I can’t imagine living through something like that.

April 20, 2011 at 7:38 PM

Wow Mikki, I didn’t know that story. She does sound like a really nice person. I also didn’t know that Dimitri, Chelsea and Lacey were on SYTYCD first. That’s cool.

Love the review Gurl. I can’t believe that Kendra made it through. She is such a pain. I think all the men are voting with their hormones. I was hoping Cheryl and her partner were going because she gets on my nerves. I think she’s in the competition for herself and doesn’t really care about her partner. JMO!

Regarding the voting system, I think it is really fair. Unless you have 40 phones, you can’t really vote that much. Now AI’s voting system is crazy because you know that the teens are texting in a lot hence the reason Scotty is so popular and probably the reason Haley is still on.

Again great review Gurl!

April 20, 2011 at 11:43 PM

Thanks Maureen gurl. And to tell you all the truth, I want to watch SYTYCD, but I just cannot deal with that Mary Screaming Judge Person. I value my TV and don’t want to break the screen with whatever happens to be handy when she screeches ….

April 21, 2011 at 12:08 AM

Mary wasn’t even on last season, but her energy and passion really were missed, even by the people who can’t stand her. She’s actually grown on me quite a bit.

April 21, 2011 at 12:09 AM

I think she wasn’t on because she was diagnosed with some sort of throat or thyroid cancer, I heard. But I know she’s back this year, so I’m still out.

April 21, 2011 at 12:34 AM

She was actually out before that, but she was also on Broadway doing a show. I saw her on Wendy Williams’ show during that time and I think she said that whatever her health issue was it led to her not being able to scream like that anymore, so you may want to tune in. If she starts screaming during the first episode, you can always turn it off!

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