CliqueClack TV

The Celebrity Apprentice – The “best” advertising flubs ever

Was this episode (in Star Jones’ words) luxurious? Comfortable? Deluxe? Majestic? Grand? Gorgeous? Unpretentious? No. But it was filled with backstabbing, boners and blunders.

- Season 11, Episode 8 - "Bitter Suites"

This was an interesting episode of The Celebrity Apprentice. From my perspective, this hit on a couple personal notes so I’m glad I got the opportunity to give it a go.

There is a ton of television fodder out there in (used to be) Cathode Ray TubeLand, but Donald Trump’s show is almost always interjected with a situation or three of dubious note. Or with a few quotable quotes … or, at the very least, containing drama of the roll-of-the-eye variety.

First? Nene Leakes use of the word “bitch”. To this day, it amazes me why women use this term. Some women use it as a badge of pride. (Completely incomprehensible to me.) Some use it derogatorily. It’s often used as a friendly face-to-face greeting … something even more incomprehensible. When I first heard Nene reference Star Jones with “bitch”, I had my head turned away from the television set. I thought she was talking to Star directly. The “Whoa!” jumped out my mouth before I realized Nene was speaking solo into the camera, not to Star.

Why the big deal? Well, to many, I’m sure it’s not a big deal in the least. To me, there’s the “umph” factor of its use. It’s a word tossed around so readily its distinction is often blurred. Fling it out there one way and a fight breaks out. Put it out there another and laughter ensues. It’s one of the great female mysteries to me. And I’m stupidly happy to be oblivious to its various meanings.

Second, there was the advertising element of the episode. I have an extensive history in print media and marketing and I get a minor kick out of seeing what others come up with. One of the first rules of print media is this: If nothing else, make absolutely certain the client’s name, address, phone numbers and other contact information are dead on correct. This is a rule that cannot be overlooked under any circumstances. Anything else wrong with an advertising piece can often be dealt with in some manner, but flubbing a client’s information is expressly verboten. Equally, leaving said information absent from the advertisement is just as damaging — something Backbone did spectacularly and with flourish. Forget the typos, insomnia-correcting dearth of copy and trite, everyday images used … the lack of somewhere to call or seek out a Trump property was disastrous. What fun!

On the flipside, ASAP’s piece was just as horrendous. And it’s the little details that most definitely stood out. Add some glossy stock to a brochure or handout and those details scream at you.  You see, I’m a continuity guy so I was physically on the floor rolling in laughter at the fact the champagne bottle in Hope Dworaczyk’s bathtub photo was factory sealed, despite her glass having been filled with bubbly. Again: What fun!

I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for The Donald’s revelation which train wreck of advertising would ultimately pass the test this episode because I honestly didn’t have a clue. It wasn’t a matter of the lesser of two evils; it was a matter of squinting painfully at the admission someone actually won the task.

Meatloaf summed it up during the show: “You’re the best of the best of the best of the best …” and (sarcastically speaking) no one could take that away from either ASAP or Backbone on this airing of The Celebrity Apprentice.

In that regard, both teams were “The Best” … don’tcha think?

And “best” of all? The uselessness of La Toya Jackson who was voted off this week. I’m good with that.

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3 Responses to “The Celebrity Apprentice – The “best” advertising flubs ever”

April 27, 2011 at 1:34 AM

Of all the episodes this season, this was the best of the best of the best of the best. As a woman I must say that Star Jones was the perfect bitch.

April 27, 2011 at 1:51 AM

. . . . .

Ladies & Gentlemen: There’s one in every crowd.

And here, making her umpteenth appearance on CliqueClack, is the estimable, pulls-no-punches Lois.

Without doubt, she’ll be back agains soon, folks. Give her a big round of applause …

April 29, 2011 at 2:20 PM

Finally caught up on this … I was amazed at how twisted around Trump managed to make things in an attempt to save NeNe and Star. We’ve seen him reject the play he made against La Toya so many times … I know there are no rules with him, but how is Star still around after that debacle?

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