CliqueClack TV

South Park parodies the iPad, because everything Apple is gold

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- Season 15, Episode 1 - "Human CentiPad"

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One day my brother-in-law told me he’d heard of an incredibly morbid movie called The Human Centipede. Though he didn’t see it himself, he told me what it was supposed to be about. I have no idea what the hell possessed me to do so, but I went home that night and found the damn thing online and watched it. If you haven’t seen it, this episode of South Park pretty much showed you what some sick bastard does to three people … minus the iOS devices.

Parker and Stone really love to use Apple as material for their episodes, and this one was both timely and beautifully sinister. With all the talk lately of privacy concerns with Apple’s location data, the South Park writers pull another zero-hour episode out of their hats, and I’m near certain the Apple fanboys are buzzing about it everywhere right now. In fact, the entire episode had the #humancentipad Twitter hashtag displayed at the bottom of the screen, just to make sure you were all giving it max exposure.

Something else timely was the mention of how other gadget manufacturers are basically claiming their devices are “like an iPhone/iPad, but cheaper.” Although I think it was Samsung who was more guilty than Toshiba, wasn’t it?

Quote time!

“Would you mind loaning me some of your lipstick, mom? Because I wanna at least look pretty the next time you decide to fuck me!” – Cartman

“You agreed we could take all the blood we needed.” – Apple employee
“What are you talking about?” – Kyle
“When you downloaded the last iTunes update, a window on your screen popped up and asked you if you agreed to our terms and conditions, you clicked agree. Alright let’s get him to the water tank.” – Apple employee

“Toshiba Handibook?” – Cartman
“This says it does everything the iPad does, at half the price!” – Ms. Cartman
“Mom, do not screw me over again! If I take that thing to school, everyone’s gonna think I’m a poverty-stricken asshole!” – Cartman

“If I was gonna fuck my son, I’d kiss him first! [Kisses son tenderly on the forehead]” – Man in Dr. Phil audience

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

3 Responses to “South Park parodies the iPad, because everything Apple is gold”

April 28, 2011 at 1:21 AM

Just watched it!

April 28, 2011 at 1:47 AM

My brother (bastard that he is), had me watch the trailer, which clearly shows the doctor’s creation at the end. I will never get that image out of my head.

Months later, I visited some friends for their yearly Halloween party and we were trying to figure out a movie to put on in the background. Someone suggested Human Centipede and I threatened bodily harm to anyone who put that up on Netflix.

April 28, 2011 at 7:49 AM

Apparently, the director wants to turn it into a series of movies now…

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