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Peter and Olivia are the power couple on Fringe

Tonight was the build up to the 'Fringe' season finale. The ending was unexpected leaving us to ponder for the next week - what comes next?

- Season 3, Episode 21 - "The Last Sam Weiss"

Fringe’s “The Last Sam Weiss” left me with more questions than answers. Sam says, in the tomb, that the machine is not a doomsday device, but says, “Power to create and destroy worlds shouldn’t be taken lightly.” What does he mean? He helped Olivia find out that she was the crowbar to unlock the force field, but what else is he there to do? Sam Weiss has been built up over the seasons, so I can’t believe that his role in this situation is done yet. If he is the “last” Sam Weiss, will he sacrifice himself before the story is over?

I didn’t think anything could be more mysterious than Sam Weiss, but Peter’s actions were confusing and left questions unanswered. He left a note saying, “I am going home.” Which home? It didn’t occur to me at the time he meant over there. Though, this is what confused me the most: which universe did he think he was in? What home was he trying to go to?

He leaves the hospital and goes to New York City to buy a specific coin. What is the deal with the silver half-dollar, that he says, “It always brings me luck?” Has there been a mention of this coin before? After buying the half-dollar, he heads to Liberty Island to see his father — over there Walter Bishop — to show him something. The half-dollar or something else? I hope that Peter’s adventure is somehow explained, though I have a feeling it may not play into the story any further.

The episode became exciting at Liberty Island. The love between Peter and Olivia is strong. His love for her was shown in all the memories that he thought about before activating the machine, including memories of Olivia as a young girl. Up until this point, I didn’t think that he remembered her from back then. I’m guessing the machine reawakened his childhood memories. Will their love give him the strength to survive the machine and the aftermath?

What the heck happened? Peter is in 2021, but which side is he on? From the sign, ” We will never forget September 11, 2001 — Dedicated to their memory September 11, 2021″ and the tall building erected on the site, I would guess he is on our side. But, with Fringe, it could have been a monument erected on the former White House site.

In the end, what is going on with Peter? The Fringe Division agent called him “Agent Bishop,” and he was wearing what appeared to be a uniform. Did he time jump right into a war? I’m guessing that Peter somehow sees this future and is able to jump back in time to try and stop it from happening.

While the episode did seem to move slowly at parts, the last 15 minutes more than made up for it. I wish it were next Friday, because I want to know what happens next. Thankfully, we have another season to explore these amazing Fringe stories.

Other stuff:

  • The interactions between Walter and Astrid are so touching from the tapioca pudding to the kite experiment. She has gone from an FBI agent working with him to part of Walter’s family.
  • “I wish you could see yourself as I see you. ” – Walter to Olivia
  • Walter’s experiments are sometimes difficult to follow, but his visual explanation using the magnets about the two machines was so clear. One of the only things that was clearly explained and understood.
  • Who has the silver half-dollar? Did Walter keep it when he asked about and ran off to the machine or did Peter have it with him in the machine?
  • “Be a better man than your father.”
  • “Peter, I love you.” – Olivia
    The smile Peter gave back … aww!
  • Olivia has gained control over her telekinesis powers, will they continue to be important?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | Fringe | General | TV Shows |

20 Responses to “Peter and Olivia are the power couple on Fringe”

April 30, 2011 at 12:10 AM

Am I the only one that half expect Echo and Ballard to be fighting across the street when Peter woke up?


April 30, 2011 at 12:12 AM

I didn’t specifically think of them, instead I was expecting Mag (Felicia Day) to be there. It definitely had an Epitaph One from Dollhouse vibe. I almost included that in my review, but wasn’t sure how many people would get the connection.

April 30, 2011 at 12:17 AM

The silver half dollar was first mentioned in the season 1 finale and then again in season 2 episode 15. The coin has always been Peter’s good luck charm.

The monument we saw at the end of the episode was the New World Trade Center.

April 30, 2011 at 12:24 AM

Thank you for the references to the coin. I am going to be go back this summer and watch the whole series from the beginning and write up posts about the clues from the previous episodes, so that will be helpful!

That is my guess as well. There is a map in the background, that appears to be NYC, but ultimately my point is that we don’t know for sure which side he is on. Though, it seems like it is our site.

April 30, 2011 at 1:00 AM

See, I thought it was pretty clear that he’s on this side. RKon is being more literal than you think: The building we saw in this episode is the proposed design for the new WTC building in NYC. Plus the other buildings around were indicative of NYC.

Plus, the previews from next week would seem to point in that direction as well.

Great ending though. But, am I the only one who is getting tired of flashforwards in season enders these days?

April 30, 2011 at 10:52 PM

I am definitely tired of flash-forwards. It felt like JJ Abrams was borrowing a bit too much from his Lost past.

April 30, 2011 at 1:00 AM

Sorry, forgot the link to show the new building design:

May 1, 2011 at 2:19 AM

It’s definitely the Freedom Tower being built on the site of the WTC:

April 30, 2011 at 12:27 AM

Yeah, when he was a kid, Walternate had given him the silver dollar and taught him to spin the coin in his fingers. When Peter realized he was going to die, he gave the coin back to his dad (Walternate).

April 30, 2011 at 12:45 AM

Actually, the Peter over here (the one that died) gave his silver dollar to Walter. The Peter over there (the one we’re accustomed to) gave the coin to his mom (alternate Elizabeth), not Walternate.

April 30, 2011 at 5:02 AM

You can see both WTC buildings side by side in this screenshot I just took:

April 30, 2011 at 5:07 AM

So I guess the only purpose of the coin is emphasizing it’s “Peter from the other side” the guy we see waking from the hospital and heading to Liberty Island.

We’ll have to see that role plays Peter’s and Fauxlivia’s son, that is more properly, Peter learning about his existence and how that affects his will to be on one side or the other.

April 30, 2011 at 11:36 AM

You must have missed the previews, Peter is 15 years in the future.

At first I thought he went back in time and we would get space NAZIs, thankfully that didn’t happen. I think it’s clear the future part is only as a “What if Petter destroys the other side?” type of deal. He is shown he can’t destroy one world because then he destroys them all.

Also the writers need to use Google more. The freaky lightning was happening outside of Worcester MA, and the hospital Peter was at was taking the burn victims. When Peter wanted a taxi he was in Pittsfield MA. That’s a 100 miles away! Boston is closer to Worcester, so is Springfield, both of them have some of the best hospitals. Hell why not just have the taxi guy say they were in Worcester?

May 1, 2011 at 1:00 AM

actually you are incorrect.

The lightning attack on the highway happened outside of Worcester, Mass … but when Peter left the hospital you could see lightning striking the town of Pittsfield as well … Pittsfield is where the machine is … that’s why he was at that local hospital

May 1, 2011 at 1:22 PM

I never knew the the machine was in Pittsfield. I thought it was between Worcester and Boston.

However the Fringe writers still need to look at a map of the state. I rewatched the scene and the highway lightning is supposed to be in Holyoke. I have lived in Holyoke MA, it’s a dump, but that’s not the point. The city is, well a city fill of mills and not a single greenhouse or farm, it’s also very hilly and not flat and open. It’s also at least an hour or more to Worcester and not “Outside Worcester”. By the writers of the show then Boston would be “outside Worcester”. Sure it could be another storm, but then why would the FBI guy go “A lightning storm outside of Worcester”?

The highway seen looks more like out west, in Texas or something with the mountains far in the distance. The only place I can think of in Western MA, closest to Worcester (but still no where near it) is Hadley, Sunderland, Amherst MA area.

May 1, 2011 at 2:30 PM

I’m as picky about the details as the next guy (Annie from Covert Affairs parachuting at Camp Perry in VA with no rivers, bays, or oceans in sight?), but at some point, a road is just a road, right?

May 10, 2011 at 10:01 AM

I agree but then why bother using real names at all. Just make them up. Its pretty jarring when you’ve lived somewhere and the names don’t match the visuals.

The really weird one for me right now is body of proof. Filmed in providence but set in philly? What’s up with that? Either set it in providence or film it in philly.

April 30, 2011 at 3:39 PM

Is Peter about to become John Conner?

August 12, 2011 at 9:32 PM

Where did you get that idea?

August 12, 2011 at 9:30 PM

Many fans of Kirk Acevedo will no longer watch the series if Peter “never existed”. Peter has been the most relatable charecter of the entire show. Walter – Super genius, a little bit crazy
Olivia – You like her, want her to succeed, but very little emotion
Nina – You don’t know if you realy ever trust her
Philip – No emotion – almost robotic
Sam Weiss – Not commited to anyone
All of Olivia’s partners – Expendable
Peter seemed like someone the fans could relate to, and cheer for. The fans wanted him to get the girl in Dawson’s Creek, and they want him to get the girl in Fringe.

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