CliqueClack TV

The Voice – Going head to head

Two episodes in, things get shaken up. Now we see what the competitors are made of as they go up against each other.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "The Battle Rounds, Part 1"

Okay: Who’s idea was it to put The Voice on at the goofy hour of 10:00 pm Tuesday night?

*waits for response … taps foot impatiently*

That’s what I thought. No one is willing to fess up. Bunch of big chickens. Yeah … I know The Biggest Loser had a monster two-hour episode spread out over the table before we got things going, but … oh, forget it. No amount of whining and crying is going to change the fact it happened. Let’s move along. …

After a thoroughly interesting premiere — and an equally joy-sapping sophomore effort — we head into the first of four episodes of “Battle Rounds” on The Voice. I mentioned my hope for this next phase was to shake off the mucky funk the second episode left behind and catapult us back into what we enjoyed when the show was first introduced. The question of course is: Did the Battle Rounds live up to the hype?

The coaches pit two of their contestants against each other in a duet showdown where one of the two ultimately gets eliminated from the competition. The coach picks a tune, rehearsals and mentoring sessions ensue, then the battle commences. The sessions themselves weren’t impressive in the least, even with the likes of Reba McEntire and others making appearances to assist. They reminded me a bit of American Idol’s pre-introduction segments during auditions. *yawn*

First up? Christina Aguilera’s team members Frenchie Davis and TarraLyn Ramsey go up against each other singing Beyonce’s “Single Ladies.” As the duet progressed, all I could think was that the both of them were somewhat screechy. Neither performance knocked my socks off. Forced to choose, I would have gone the way of TarraLyn rather than Frenchie. In the end Frenchie got the nod from Christina after a token critique from each of the coaches who watched their performance.

Blake Shelton’s choices — Patrick Thomas and Tyler Robinson — sang “Burning Love” by Elvis. Both of them, while trying to play off each other, didn’t seem comfortable at all. My downfall here was my partiality for Tyler, so of course Coach Blake chose Patrick to move forward instead.

Adam Levine’s picks, Casey Weston and Tim Mahoney, had an interesting “Leather and Lace” duet. And in Tim’s case, it seemed during the coaching sessions he struggled to catch the gist of the song. But then came the showdown. Alone? Strange things came out of the two contestants’ mouths. Dueting together? Strange things still came out … but their union worked in a weird sort of complimentary way. It was almost two wrongs making a right with Casey winning out.

Cee Lo pulls up the rear with Pink’s “Perfect” as performed by Niki Dawson and Vicci Martinez.  And it resulted in a competitive, terrific duet with both girls belting out their respective parts while working in conjunction with each other. Deservedly, Vicci squeaks by on the victor’s side, leaving Niki in tears and Cee Lo consoling her loss.

So … did this episode live up to the hype? Not as much as I’d hoped. I wasn’t looking for a knockout each and every time, but a few of the performances were lacking. It is a kick to see the chosen contestants go head to head with one another, sonically duking it out to earn the right to advance. And not every duet can be a slam-bang affair. It is what it is and you take the good stuff right along with the “meh” stuff.

At the last, I have one final question. Who — who — picked Carson Daly as the host of this show? He’s drab as a ship’s hull.

It’s probably the same motorhead Bozo who scheduled The Voice in the 10:00 pm slot.

Photo Credit: NBC

5 Responses to “The Voice – Going head to head”

May 11, 2011 at 12:00 PM

This show had built up SO much goodwill with me in the first episode. Then the second, with vastly inferior performances, started it breaking it down. This week, the majority of this goodwill was gone. They hyped up the tension in the first battle (which wasn’t there until Christina blew it out of proportion) was laughable. I was sitting there thinking that, if this was to be SOP moving forward, I wasn’t not looking forward to 16 “tension filled duets.”

I’ll stick with this show through the end of the season, because of the 3-4 performers I really liked. Unless they get kicked off inexplicably (Like Shelton picking Patrick after a vastly inferior performance), then I’ll have my time back.

May 11, 2011 at 1:03 PM

Oh. My. God. I was so upset that Patrick won out over Tyler!
Also, I would have definitely picked Niki over Vicci. Sure, Vicci had a lot of heart and energy, but Niki’s voice was better. And this is about “The Voice,” isn’t it?! ;)

May 11, 2011 at 5:12 PM

Wasn’t that woman Frenchie on American Idol at one point?

May 11, 2011 at 5:24 PM

. . . . .

Yes, Maureen … Season 2 …

May 11, 2011 at 7:18 PM

Episode 1 – Amazingly interesting.

Episode 2 – Amazingly boring.

Episode 3 – Amazingly unamazing.

Okay, let’s be honest. Obviously the performer/coaches aren’t going to be. Blake Shelton didn’t want Tyler from the moment he turned around and saw him. [Check out the clip.] The song “Burning Love” was designed to showcase the hunk-ability of Patrick over the voice of Tyler. In the end, even when Tyler met the challenge, Blake went with his gut that a girl pleaser will make a stronger contestant than a musician pleaser.

Christina Aquifier has never bought into the expressed concept of “The Voice”. Her comments have been about look and attitude, not sound. Frenchie is there to bloody AI’s nose, and maybe to give a fighter a second chance.

The comment I really appreciated from last night was Blake Shelton saying CeeLo was going to be sorry he put these two gals up against each other in the first battle. Unless CeeLo has got more talent on his team than I think he does, Blake is right. Basic bracket pairings from rated sports competitions would have put 1st seed up against 8th seed [or 4th seed/5th seed] for this battle. We will have to wait and see if that is what CeeLo, or any of the coaches, thought he was doing.

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