CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – The Semi-Finals

As 'Dancing With the Stars' nears the finals, I find my emotions switching to a new competitor. I mean, I know I still want Chelsea to win, but I came out of ambivalence this week about the NFL guy who has always left me cold.

There have been so many injuries on this season of Dancing With the Stars, but none as horrific as Kym Johnson’s neck injury last Friday. Seriously. Tom Bergeron did not adequately prepare me for the footage. I mean, he said it was hard to watch, but good grief! I actually screamed and hid behind my hands! I cannot believe how lucky she was not to have irreparably hurt herself. I myself have been in two car accidents over the years (not my fault — people rear ending me while talking on cell phones), so I know a bit about neck pain. And the way Kym’s neck bent absolutely scared me to death. Double that with the fact that she couldn’t feel her arms afterward, and boy oh boy! I was glad to even see her standing up, much less perform the incredible routines with her football celeb Hines Ward.

I have to admit, if you’ve seen my previous reviews, you know I haven’t been able to get into these two. Sometimes it takes a rough patch to really see a person’s character. Seeing how worried Hines was, how well he took care of Kym until the ambulance arrived, and then after their routine — he couldn’t stop the tears of relief and built up stress. Well, you had to be made of concrete not to be affected by that. I hate to sound all “girly,” but what a sweetheart! He cried, she cried, Carrie Ann cried, the crowd was on its feet! And then Bruno had to demean it all with another one of his inappropriate sexual comments he’s been giving all season: “It was like good sex. I didn’t want it to end.” Geez. (BTW did anyone else notice he was bleeped in his comment to Ralph? I don’t know what he said, as the camera wasn’t on him, but Karina’s reaction with the hairy eyeballs said a lot. “Clazzy Bruno. Very clazzy.”) He needs to stop it already.

And while I’m on the subject of judges, let’s talk about the hosts for a moment. I’m completely on board Tom Bergeron’s train. But! Brooke Burke is as stupid as a box of hair. She messed up a coin toss. A coin toss, people! And what about when she said that if “you haven’t voted yet, you’re lame.” Someone save me.

Let’s break it down!

Hines and Kym: I’ve told you how I felt about their dances. Just one additional thing that made me chortle a bit. Hines’ mother, when interviewed about what she said to him when he started this whole thing: “Maybe you go one week. You’re gonna fail.” Then later in the package, he said that he owes everything he is to his mom. Hines, Hines. You need the number of my therapist. Call me.

Ralph and Karina: Um. I don’t think Karina should have told us all about how Ralph was wearing padded underwear because he doesn’t have an ass. To quote my husband,”Wait, was their dance good? ‘Cause all I could see was his Depends riding up on the sides.” Uh huh. Ralph is gone. As well he should be. I’ve been saying this for ages.

Kirstie and Maks: Am I the only one who thinks that Kirstie can barely even stand not punching Brooke Burke in the boob every time they go backstage for their scores? I say, do it, Kirstie. For all of us.

Anyway, she won’t win, but she’s come really far. I love how she’s proving it for curvaceous women everywhere. Well done, girl!

Chelsea and Mark: They’ve got it. Hands down. Between the difficulty and imaginative choreography by Mark, and the way she already moves like a pro? There’s no stopping her!

But as always, I want to know what say you?

Photo Credit: ABC

15 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – The Semi-Finals”

May 17, 2011 at 3:11 AM

I believe Bruno said something about Ralph being “all wrapped up in his p—y” because after the reactions, he was like “what, what, a pussycat, that’s what we call it.” I thought, at first, that he might have said “whore” because of the outfit, but it was a leopard print and he tried to defend the comment with “pussycat” so I do believe that was what he said.

May 17, 2011 at 11:34 PM

I thought it was something like that Chuck. The dude needs to calm it down.

May 17, 2011 at 2:11 PM

Heaven and Hot Flash over-kill last night for me watching the sexy Mark dancing with Chelsea–it was beautiful–loved the flowing,open shirt…those ab’s…wait, was there a dance going on? LOL! Chelsea is awesome; Mark rocks! I hope they win it!

It’s been so nice–NO DERRICK this season!!!

I love Hinds and Kym–Hinds seems like a great guy…they should be in the top two with Mark and Chelsea.

Brooke might be a little dumb, but previous tart Samantha–she was such an airhead! LOL!

Maks is still sexy…but Mark is sexier and more my “type”

Mark: CALL ME!!!!

May 17, 2011 at 11:36 PM

What’s wrong with Derrick? Oh, and BTW, as an insider I do have Mark’s number. It’s 555- …. *kksmdlfnstnwnfnw* static. Are you there Shaya? It’s 555- *skfnsntpsontopientoeso*

May 17, 2011 at 2:31 PM

Don’t watch DWTS, but saw the Hinds & Kym clip on HLN. Great story. Glad I didn’t see the accident footage. I can only handle so much reality.

As I said, not a DWTS viewer, but I’m always a fan of yours, Tara, and decided I needed to comment to let you know.

May 17, 2011 at 11:37 PM

Nyela, I noticed that tonight they black out the accident in footage. Bet ABC got some complaints. It really was frightful.

May 17, 2011 at 3:09 PM

Finally! The competition down to a manageable number so that I can read the recaps. NO OFFENCE TO YOU TARA. Your reviews always entertain. It’s just the A.D.D. in me that can’t deal with more than a scant few contestants to read about.

Hines and Kim…oh that was just awful and really, thank God she didn’t suffer very serious injury. Although I do wonder how sore she must be.

Your hubby and I were seeing things the same way. Holy depends! Some things are better left unknown.

Yes, Chelsea and Mark are amazing but I feel a little more respect for others that really had to work it to be able to just dance. She, like many young’ns, has a boost up with her youth and entertainment experience. You’d think that’s leading to me saying that I cast my vote for Kirstie and Maks (I’d vote for Maks even if he was no longer in the competition. OMG.) Kirstie has been impressive but she also has the entertainer’s leg up. She can also “act” the part as she dances. I’ve always loved Hines, If for no other reason, he’s the only flat footed dancer that’s been able to overcome a physical malady. The only thing better than that is if you could compensate for being pigeon toed or knock kneed.

There…my responce is longer than your reviews. I probably lost any A.D.D. reader at this point.

May 17, 2011 at 11:38 PM

Lois, you had me at “your reviews always entertain.” :)

May 17, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Yes that injury of Kym’s was so hard to watch and I am glad she is OK. They and Chelsea and Mark will be in the finals.

I know Ralph will be voted off tonight most likely but I thought he did a good job. I don’t understand why they judges were picking on him. Karina’s outfit in that 2nd dance looked like something she probably is wearing or did wear in her playboy centerfold. OMG, between her and bruno….family show people!!! And is it me just imagining this or did Ralph’s wife look a little unhappy and worried. I personally would not like my hubby dancing with Karina.

I know they won’t win but I still love to watch Ralph and Kristie dance. they are both so entertaining.

Thanks for the entertaining, snarky review gurl###

May 17, 2011 at 5:43 PM

I agree, Ralph’s wife’s expression was not a happy one when the camera cut to her at the end of that dance.

As much as I’ve adored Ralph this season, he is not the best dancer in the competition. I’m glad he made it this far, but it’s Chelsea’s Mirrorball to lose.

May 17, 2011 at 11:43 PM

No thank YOU for reading it! And Ralph did do well. He made it much farther than I expected.

May 17, 2011 at 4:30 PM

I’m thinking Kim should show up tonight in a Steelers Helmet, shoulder pads with a neck brace She’s a trooper and I hope she and Hines take it all!

May 17, 2011 at 11:46 PM

Bronsont, I don’t think Hines will win it, but we shall see! He’s certainly a likable and sweet guy.

May 17, 2011 at 6:39 PM

I am so bummed not to have been able to watch last night.

Kirstie not only gives promise to girls of curves (she and I are the same size. I have about 2 inches on her height wise) But it says a lot about women and aging. She’s been up and down in her life with weight and a sh*t-ton of other issues. It’s nice to see Maks getting along with a partner. It seems in the past he’s been paired with divas who think they are better than they are or just so feisty it brings out the worst in him.

Wow! for not having watched last night I sure had a lot to say :P

May 17, 2011 at 11:47 PM

Marissa, I agree, Kirstie has always taken a bunch of crap, and yet she rebounds, and still has a great sense of humor. Sorry you had to work and missed it. Change your schedule next week gal!

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