CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Before the finals and down to the wire

Three tunes each for our 'Idols': A personal choice, a Jimmy Iovine choice and a judge's choice. Who advances to the finals?

- Season 10, Episode 37 - "The Top 3 Perform "

Do we even need to acknowledge Scotty McCreery as a front-runner on American Idol? No … I didn’t think so. He’ll be right there beside one of the girls next week.

So let’s concentrate on the gals and see what we come up with, shall we?

Lauren Alaina: Her “Wild One” wasn’t wild at all (and I hate saying this because it shouldn’t matter, but her pigeon-toed stature all through the song was incredibly distracting to me), The Band Perry’s “If I Die Young” had noticeable flaws and her finale of Lee Ann Womack’s “I Hope You Dance,” while a seemingly good choice, didn’t trip any of my triggers. Growth on her part? Yes, there has been, throughout the Idol season. Not by the leaps and bounds one would think she’d accrue by this stage of the competition, but steady growth never the less.

Haley Reinhart, the more seasoned, better singer of the two girls, is a different story all together. She, too, committed her flubs and missteps (literally) during her Top Three performances, but she’s got a couple advantages over Lauren: She can often craft a song and mold it to her personality and she can connect with with the audience.

Her “What Is and What Should Never Be” performance was one of the better moments on Idol this season. You couldn’t ask for a better scenario than the one that was planned and the one it morphed into by its conclusion. Think about it: rockin’ classic tune indicative of who she is, stage command, she definitely held the audience’s attention and she shared the limelight with her father, who incidentally proved he had chops on the Zep tune. If that wasn’t enough, she proved her professionalism by taking a header climbing up the platform stairs and getting back on her feet with only a missed line and a quick chuckle. It wasn’t seamless, but she recovered rapidly and carried through admirably. That’s really saying something. What’s not to like? Add to that the fact you could practically see the beams of pride exuding from Pops: “I’ve wanted to be in the national spotlight for as long as I can remember and my little girl provided me the opportunity” is what I heard in his mind while he stood on stage beside his daughter post-performance. Neat moment.

But Haley wasn’t without her miscues. While her take on Fleetwood Mac’s “Rhiannon” was too dreamy and slow for me, her performance of Alanis Morrisette’s “You Oughta Know” showcased choppiness and struggles within such a complicated song structure. Loved the up tempo parts, but the breathy dialog portions stutter-stepped.

Which gal wins out? Haley, the 20 year-old Wheeling, Illinois native. She’s definitely got the upper hand over the much younger and less experienced cute-as-a-bug’s-ear Lauren.

The voting public (interesting as they have been this year) will decide of course, but I think I have this one pegged.

Onward to the homecomings and the elimination!


Photo Credit: Fox

12 Responses to “American Idol – Before the finals and down to the wire”

May 19, 2011 at 11:23 AM

I really disliked Haley at the start. Mostly because she was so awkward on stage and inconsistent in her style. In the past few however many months it has been I’ve seen her change in both of those areas. And over the past few however many weeks it has been, I’ve come to really like her. Her Zeplin performance synched it for me. For the first time this season I picked up the phone.

Did Haley set some sort of record for being in the bottom three consecutively? Not to mention after having been however many times she was, to make it to the top three? Surely you would know.

Oh, please, don’t even speak that about Scottie. What happened there, oh wise one? Please, help me understand the madness.

May 19, 2011 at 3:25 PM

. . . . .

Yes, Lois … I do.

It’s a tie: Nikki McKibbin (Season 1) and Syesha Mercado (Season 7) both had 5 appearances in the Bottom Three during their seasons prior to getting the boot.

Haley only has 4 and won’t be joining that exclusive club.

May 19, 2011 at 2:35 PM

*drum roll* we missed Idol last night.

May 19, 2011 at 3:29 PM

What’s the dealio with them changing nights? (Re; Beth’s FB entry) Did I miss a Cresty announcement.

May 19, 2011 at 3:42 PM

. . . . .

What am I?

The Answer Man?

The Penguin Boy?!?

The #1 News Source For All Illogical Fox Decision Making Flubs?

I haven’t researched it yet, but I’m certain I’ll find out eventually. If I had to hazard a guess, I would venture it’s to piss off Beth. And we see how that turned out.



May 19, 2011 at 6:15 PM

I was not a fan of Haley’s in the beginning but she has grown on me. She does tend to scream a bit but I was a Janis Joplin fan so I can take it. But the arms, some one please tell her to stop waving her arms around and to knock off the big ole smile if she is singing a sad song. Those are my only problems with her now. I know Scotty has the creepy eyebrows and the weird mic holding but tie the girls arms down. (Michael leave it alone don’t do it… no come backs on tying her arms down please).

I think you are right it will end up being Scotty and Haley, but I am not ever sure what will happen with the voting and I again did not vote. I got busy and forgot so sorry, but I would have voted for Scotty and Lauren.

May 19, 2011 at 7:29 PM

I just want to mention again how I have stood up for Haley all along…thank you. She is definitely the better of the 2 girls. Lauren is just too young and she shows it in her performances. I think Haley should win of the 3 but it will probably be Scotty AND I don’t think Scotty was in the bottom 2 either times he was up there. Should be interesting tonight.

That makes me mad about them changing the night. Now I can’t watch DWTS results and Idol because I am going on vacation and will not have a DVR. I guess I can watch one of them on the computer afterwards. Oh well.

May 19, 2011 at 7:30 PM

Still wish Casey was one the show.

May 19, 2011 at 7:44 PM

See Michael….It’s the changing the night thing again. (Maureen) Maybe it’s not Beth they’re trying to piss off. Seems “they’re” getting me a little riled too. Et tu Penguin Boy?

May 19, 2011 at 7:52 PM

I think Scotty is going to win, but I’m going to root for Haley, if only out of fondness for Wheeling’s great Italian restaurants.

May 19, 2011 at 8:29 PM

This is the first season of Idol that I haven’t voted. I almost voted last night, for Haley because I think she deserves to win. Scotty is going to have a distinctive career even if he doesn’t win. Lauren still needs to be molded. She’s so young!

May 19, 2011 at 11:04 PM

When does the West Coast get the results program, Penquin Boy? It’s now 10 pm CDT, and I have already been waiting 2 hours to discuss results, etc. Is your show scheduled for 7 pm PDT or 8 pm PDT? Either way, I bet I’m asleep by the time it’s over there.

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