This week Magnus returns to the scene of the crime when Ravi, the Sanctuary head in “Kali,” disappears in Normandy. A mysterious time dilation surrounds Carentan, the town where Magnus and James pushed a fire elemental into the earth’s core. Will and Magnus explore with Kate and Declan in tow.
When Kindler first introduced Magnus she seemed secretive and wonderful yet surrounded by danger. I totally wanted Magnus to kidnap me to her fabulous Victorian mansion for an awesome adventure. Although I felt Kindler’s initial allusions to Magnus’ past came across as a crutch; now, we truly see the negative and positive affects of Magnus’ world in the past and present. Innocent, well-meaning men die for her all the time. Yet, sometimes she cares more about the solution than she does innocent lives. All the same, we see why Magnus solves puzzles other Sanctuary members don’t. Ravi is unquestionably a talented scientist/engineer, yet he still worked within the borders of reason and rationality, putting the comfort of the community over the needs of solving the puzzle. Yet, Magnus’ irrational, mad scientist leanings are what saved the day while putting the solution above Ravi’s friends and family. No wonder the world went crazy in the post-apocalyptic future without Magnus’ willingness to push the button.
I enjoyed Will’s covert development this season. Although I miss the Magnus/Will chemistry, his diminishing eagerness for the Sanctuary chase comes across subtly, from his “One Night” statement to his Magnus interaction this week. Their relationship no longer surrounds puppy-dog or “concubine”-like infatuation. Will serves increasingly as Magnus’ deputy and co-worker, more than her intimate friend/possible lover. Like Biggie in “Metamorphosis” and Druitt, we see him lash out at Magnus in ways Kate/Hank wouldn’t. In “King and Country,” Magnus reminded him of the shortness of their relationship and this week he reminds her of her comparative longevity. Will seemed less eager to put Magnus’ life before his this time around and I didn’t see him comfort her as he did in “Requiem” or “Next Tuesday”, preferring to look out the window. Interestingly, although Will lost his possible love interest, faced his own mortality (AGAIN) and watched the man who saved him die, he still protected Magnus from questions. I have a secret fear that the season cliffhanger might surround Will deciding he no longer wants to remain in Sanctuary.
A couple other thoughts on this week’s episode:
- Biggie rocks. Period.
- I love Declan, especially when he mouthed off to the “guv.” I also enjoyed the Declan/Kate team-up with Declan standing in for Hank.
- Did this week feel like a re-hash of Sanctuary’s favorite moments, including the “cheeky bugger”/“awkward” phrases and Magnus and Will teaming up. Will talking Magnus down from her mad scientist phase reminded me of “End of Nights” (part two). All the same, I didn’t feel the old Magnus and Will chemistry.
- In fact, I’ve truly given up on Will and Magnus. Man, even when deserted in a time bubble, Will gets it on with the nearest available woman? OK. Kindler, you win. I no longer want to live vicariously through Will and Magnus’ May-December relationship. Considering Magnus still hasn’t spilled the beans about Will’s relative, will that come into play, later?
- Nice time dilation effect.
- The only thing I didn’t like included the man in black/khaki. His words seemed too much of a stereotype, including: “I have no name,” “this is above your pay grade,” “birds are already in the air” and “the train has left the station.” It seemed odd that he’d covertly threaten an 150+-year-old woman with a missile while telling her the mystery is outside her reach. Hello! Her entire organization is dedicated to mysteries and she’s a living puzzle!
- Has anyone considered the Nazis who created the EM shield to hold John, possibly experimented on other things? However, Magnus’ realization that she might not have destroyed the fire elemental, returns to my point in “Awakening” (and the point every sci fi lover makes). Whenever a hero believes s/he killed an unknown evil by toppling a few bricks or throwing out some kerosene, shouldn’t s/he return a few days/months/years later with even more backup to verify the death?
- Although I marked Ravi, his wife and his assistant as possible extermination marks, I didn’t expect it to happen the way it did. I loved older Ravi (even though he looked more 54 than 74 and even though his skin tone drastically changed – sorry, folks, it isn’t that drastic with minorities). All the same, I wanted them to return his older self to Sanctuary, but wouldn’t he just mourn his family’s death? In a way, they had to kill him off.
- What is up with all of the Sanctuary heads just leaving their posts at a minute’s notice? Yes, I get they’re all curious as cats, but would the head of the CIA, the assistant director of the CIA, key-ranking CIA staff, the head of the FBI, and the head of MI-6 all investigate a security alert in New Jersey? Admittedly, Magnus pointed that out, but I can’t help re-stating it. And, I can’t help finding humor in it.
I enjoyed seeing my favorite characters altogether this week form start to finish and I look forward to next week. How about you?

Photo Credit: James Dittiger/Syfy
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Flawless Sanctuary review as per usual!!
I really don’t think you’re going to get your wish about Magnus telling Will about his relative any time in the near future.
Amanda herself has tweeted about it recently to say: “Magnus never met him or realized who he was. Sad really.”
To be honest, I think having Will decide to leave would be a strong writing decision, and give Will some of the substance back that he’s been lacking in a few recent episodes, Carentan not included.
I’m still not over his appallingly rude and frankly OOC behaviour at the end of Wingman :(
Thanks, Clarissa, I’m blushing! I guess Meredith was right when she called it a coincidence in the comments. I know Magnus has tons of people dying for her, but it seemed odd that she wouldn’t ask the name of the captain who died to save he, considering the soldiers’ sadness, considering he appeared the only casualty, and considering he re-routed his entire squadron to help her.
I like how Will seems less idealistic, but I miss how he doted on Magnus during the first and second season. I keep thinking Kindler’s building up to Will becoming frustrated and leaving. Of course, he’d return, but I’d be interested to see what happened if Will attempted to return to a normal life.
I guess Magnus has so many people dying for her all the time that she’s long since stopped really bothering with names.
I know that makes her quite cold in a way, but like you’ve said in past reviews… it’s not about her survival instinct – she sees this greater cause, and her survival is key to that.
Like Spock said in Trek II: Wrath of Khan, “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
I imagine that’s a philosophy Magnus lives and breathes by.
I really don’t miss how Will doted on her! I do miss how much he respected her though. I used to love love love Will back in season one, how much respect he had for Magnus, how much wonder he had for the abnormal world.
I didn’t love all the sort of creepy puppy love adoration, but I really really miss how Will used to respect her and want to learn from her wealth of experience and knowledge.
It does feel like now he sees himself on equal footing with her, and as more of a colleague rather than protege… and to be honest, she’s MAGNUS. Until Will has lived through the years she has and seen the things she has and understands the world as she does, it doesn’t make sense to me for him to think himself her equal in life.
He just judges her occasionally poor life choices a bit too much without understanding what led her to them!
:-D An, you’re right about Ravi. Not only did he become darker but his accent became stronger! But what bugs me is the way they keep changing the pronunciation of his name. I’d stick with ruh-vee.
It is interesting to see how Will has changed – he’s gone from Nerdy Newbie Will to Action Hero Will to Jaded Will. I liked him best as Nerdy Newbie, but I guess he couldn’t stay that way forever. In Season 1 everything was new to him, and he represented the viewer in that respect because everything was amazing and new to us as well. Now he’s got this weary, been-there-done-that look in his eyes, which means his sense of wonder has been lost. That’s sad. I’d like to see more mind-blowing moments, like the discovery of the Hollow Earth map, to renew Will and Helen’s sense of wonder.
I like all variations on Will’s personality. I like that they’re showing he’s jaded without trying to make it blatant. All the same, in Season 1, Magnus seemed jaded (and ready to leave the world). But this season Magnus seems really fresh and energetic. Or, maybe it’s how Tapping portrays her. When Magnus said she blamed herself, she didn’t look guilt-struck. She looked like she discovered a new puzzle while Will looked resigned. Same when they first encountered hollow earth.
I had a very different take on the Magnus/Will interaction in this ep. I’ve missed their closeness all season (we got a little in Firewall and a bit at the end of Metamorphosis but that’s it) and I LOVED seeing them stuck together in this ep. They were very close in a physical way–nearly every scene they were touching each other, and they physically comforted each other twice (he rubbed her neck/shoulder when she was frustrated, she touched his back when he wibbled about not getting it solved in his lifetime). If you mean he didn’t comfort her at the end in the hospital, well a) he seemed just as shell-shocked as he was, and b) they were hooked up to IVs and stuff so it’s not like he could jump over there and hug her. I thought the hospital scene was lovely. He didn’t want anyone waking her up (we all know Magnus never sleeps, let her get her rest while she can) and he knew she was awake before she even turned over to look at him. He’s very protective of her.
I absolutely do not think Will is going anywhere. He’s made it clear several times that the Sanctuary is the only home/family he’s ever had, plus in Wingman the idea that Henry might leave with Erica seems to baffle him totally–it’s just never crossed his mind that anyone would leave. Why would he leave? Look at his life before the Sanctuary. It sucked. He would never go back to that.
Hey Callie –
You know, the moments when Will touched Magnus didn’t even register in my mind at all. Maybe it’s because season 1 & 2 gave me a shippy vibe, while this episode gave me a straight up friend vibe. So, while I like that they’re now equals, the Will-Helen shipper in me misses the covert, Nubbins-esque tension.
And, you’re right, I don’t think Will is going anywhere; but, he could threaten to leave and become an independent who works in the abnormal world for a few eps. While his life sucked pre-Sanctuary, he didn’t know himself then. Now that he has a shot at a normal relationship (or a pseudo-normal life) I think he wants to experience that. While he loves the Sanctuary, he seemingly wants its danger in manageable, small doses. After all, whenever something happened to one of Will’s past love interests, he recovered easily; but, in “Carentan” and “One Night” he seemed more upset, so Abby could temporarily catalyze his desire for “normalcy.”
Thanks for posting!