CliqueClack TV

Eureka is back and it’s a blast!

For a town with some of the smartest people, they sure have some crazy accidents. But, then that's what makes the show -- 'Eureka', right?

- Season 4, Episode 11 - "Liftoff"

Eureka returned with “Liftoff” to kick off the second half of season four. It’s been way too long since the show was on the air for my liking; it picks up where it left off after the time jump. While I didn’t like some of the episodes directly related to the time jump, I’m enjoying the reset; it has refreshed some of the characters and given new life to the show.

I’m glad to see that Carter and Allison are finally together and no longer have an obstacle between them. The constant barriers were getting old and were starting to drag the show down. Instead, we have the relationship challenges of Jo and Zane, which are enjoyable to watch. I absolutely adore these two together and hope that they find their way back together … eventually.

Up until now, Zane has been an arrogant troublemaker, but brilliant scientist. While trapped in the space capsule, it was surprising to see that Fargo was the one who maintained a clear head in the crisis, while the usually cocky Zane lost it. In the past, these two were at odds because of their mutual affection for Jo, but with that not at the forefront, they make a great pair. Their banter while stuck in the space capsule was my favorite part of the episode, with one exception — the Zane and Jo hug.

What did Fargo tell Zane about the “other Zane” and what will come of that reveal? The look that Zane gave Jo during and after their hug was precious and left me swooning.  And, “It’s good to see you, Jojo.” – wow! I’m not one to get invested in relationships on shows, but I’m officially rooting for these too to overcome their different memories and get together.

One reason I appreciate this show is that though it is a science fiction show, it’s more about a small town, the people who live and work in that town, and then the science. Tonight’s episode was full of science, but really it was an episode to reacquaint us with the characters and their “new” relationships and roles in Eureka.

Eureka quotes and notes:

  • What other show would you see a robot house and a robot police officer getting married? Then, calling it off because of cold feet, when one of them doesn’t even have feet and the other’s feet never get cold!
  • Professor I.P. Freely.
  • “I scraped the ISS. Now, they’re never going to let me be an astronaut.” — Fargo
  • “If you loved someone, wouldn’t you want to know?” — Zane
  • For all the technology in Eureka, it was fun to see them have to use old radios, rotary phones and other retro technology to save Fargo and Zane.
  • It was originally very weird to see Fargo in charge instead of Allison, but he’s starting to prove himself worthy of the position.
  • Fargo handling the crisis  in the space capsule equaled the leadership of Allison on the ground.
  • Ming-na! What havoc will she be bringing down on Eureka?


Photo Credit: Syfy

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