CliqueClack TV

Pretty Little Liars – Meet Jezria

While I really wanted to just revel in the excitement of an Aria sandwich at dinner, I was too busy trying to analyze other details during this episode of 'Pretty Little Liars.' When will it all come together?

- Season 2, Episode 7 - "Surface Tension"

Brace yourselves, Pretty Little Liars fans. It’s time for Jezria!

I know you can’t read my mind or anything, but I so called Aria’s mom inviting Jason to dinner! And how awkward. But man, did they all look great in their semi-formal attire.

Who will Aria choose? The contemplative, James Joyce-reading, expensive-scotch-wielding Ezra? Or the brooding, enigmatic, Kona lava-scaling Jason? Well, let’s see … Ezra won’t admit their relationship to anyone, so that’s -1 for him. But Jason is viewed as a recluse who conveniently blocked out the entire day his sister died. While Jason knows Aria’s brother’s secret about breaking into residences, Ezra’s seen her in her underwear. Hmm, it’s a toss-up! Both are clearly winning candidates.

How about someone from school, Aria? Or is that too normal for you?

Anyway. Lots of stuff is going on in Rosewood, but it hasn’t all come together yet. It’s sort of like when you just have the outline of a puzzle, and you’ve got the entire middle to go, and it’s all different shades of blue in a huge expanse of sky, or subtle textures in a huge wooden boat. Piece by piece, things come together slowly. You gather a piece here and there, toss it off to the side, take a look at certain pieces an extra long time, and try to figure out where they fit. Then all of a sudden, just when you’re about to toss the pieces back into the box, you find the one section that clicks and then everything else comes together.

Unfortunately, that moment hasn’t happened for me yet.

I’m pretty sure that Ella isn’t A, but I did notice that the boots that she wore in last week’s episode were very similar to the ones A ordered online. And she also invited Jason after she knew Ezra was coming to dinner, and had that knowing “mom look” about it all. (I’m very much looking forward to using that look someday, by the way.)

I’m also fairly confident that Mike isn’t A either, but then what’s with all the getting in trouble? Is it normal teenage angst? Or is something else motivating him?

Finally: it doesn’t really need to be reiterated, because I said this last week and I’m sure you all agree, but: Spencer’s. Dad. Is. Weird!

Pretty Little Quotes:

“Legit is in the eye of the beholder.” — Caleb, referring to his underground phone-pimping business

“You don’t have to play the game to be interested.” — Alison

“Did you have Aria? [pause] … in any of your classes?” — Jason, making small talk with Ezra


Photo Credit: ABC Family

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