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Diary of a True Blood virgin – Godric is my new favorite

I finally like one of the vampires on this show! And he's someone Eric listens to, so maybe Eric will stop acting like such an asshole, too!

2.7 “Release Me”
“I’ve never done it … with a girl I mean.” — Hoyt
“What have you done it with?” — Jessica

I swear, I can’t get enough of Hoyt and Jessica. They’re so cute I just want to tuck them into my pocket. It’s surprising how well Jessica has been able to suppress her vampire appetite — they really built up young vampires’ uncontrollable instincts, but she seems to be handling it well. Is it that she has to obey her maker? Or that she’s a generally good person? Or Sookie’s good influence? Probably a little of all three, but I would also guess it’s because she has Hoyt, who only sees the good in her. Sometimes that kind of encouragement is very powerful.

I wasn’t expecting Hugo to be the traitor, mostly because Sookie scanned him! I get that if Sookie could read everyone perfectly we’d barely have a show, but this is the second time that the big fat liar of a season has pulled a fast one on her. It’s fine that her perception has some blindspots, but she’s going to have to work on clearing them or every murderer/traitor/bad guy is going to get away. The fact that Hugo is kept down there says a lot about the Fellowship and how Christian they actually are.

Sarah is pure ridiculousness. Oh, and she’s delusional. I get her rebelling from the growing cruelty of her husband, but then expecting her husband to be totally cool with her cheating because she thinks God wants her to be with Jason … yeah, delusional. On the other side of the coin, Eric still perplexes me. How much of his interest in Sookie is him actually attracted to her and how much of it is to piss off/control Bill.

2.8 Timebomb
“He’s your maker, isn’t he?” — Sookie
“Don’t use words you don’t understand.” — Eric
“You have a lot of love for him.” — Sookie
“Don’t use words I don’t understand.” — Eric

Jason pleasantly surprised me this episode. It is just great to see him stand up for his sister, especially since his actions after his grandmother’s death still harbors in my mind. I’m beginning to understand that while Jason will always be pretty damn stupid, but he can be very brave and even loyal. I don’t hate him as much as I once did.

True Blood, why must you break my heart with Jessica and Hoyt? Hasn’t the girl been through enough without a giving her a Wolverine-hymen? Let’s just be glad I’m just talking about his healing and not the adamantium claws, although I wouldn’t put it past this show. I’ve known more than one woman who has had problems with intercourse hurting them, and in this aspect my heart goes out to Jessica. I just hope she and Hoyt can work through it.

Holy crap, Maryann and her heart pie! I mean, she’s also an ancient priestess of Dionysius, but forget about that, she baked a human heart into a meat pie! At least I think she cooked it, except it was so bloody when she served it. I cook all the time and have worked with many kinds of raw meat, but her slicing the heart while blood gushed out made me queasy as hell. But yes, we finally know what she is, which after a little research online isn’t too far from what my boyfriend and I guessed she was … mostly, that she thrives on chaos and sexuality. Now that they’ve brought in Greek mysticism into this universe, I wonder how that will change things. Will we see the Greek gods? Are all of the “monsters” in this show actually tied to Greek mythology?

Oh my god, I love Godric the non-Gryffindor! Finally, a vampire I don’t want to punch in the face! One of my big problems with this show has been how the vampires are supposed to represent different minorities (especially the gay community), even though gay people totally don’t kill and eat people. In many ways, the vampires are assholes. Godric is the first vampire to actually acknowledge that. When Eric suggests the humans should be punished for kidnapping him, Godric is the one that says, “We are cruel. We eat people. They might be bigots, but they also have a legitimate reason to hate us.” Finally, someone gets it!

It might have taken him a couple thousand years to figure out that eating people is wrong, but he also helped stop a holy war, so points for that. There’s also something super sexy about Allan Hyde in this role. I can’t put my finger on it, but maybe it’s his quiet strength. He’s also closer to my age than the other vampire actors, so I think that has something to do with it. Now I just hope he didn’t explode. Oh, and I guess I hope the other people in the room are alright, but mostly Godric. Let’s keep the likable vampire around!

Check out the other True Blood Diary posts!

Photo Credit: HBO

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