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Pretty Little Liars – See you in my dreams

I don't know what's scarier: Jason taking photographs of Aria as she sleeps, or the possibility of Jenna's sight being restored. One thing's for sure: not much is normal in Rosewood.

- Season 2, Episode 9 - "Picture This"

I figured that we ought to do a check-in on all of the Pretty Little Liars tonight. What’s up in Rosewood?

Aria: So, is Jason becoming Rosewood’s version of Freddy Krueger, minus the ugly sweater and razor-blade hand? Emily said that when you’re dreaming about someone, it’s probably not because they want something from you, but rather, that you want something from them. But maybe that theory was incorrect? When the girls went snooping around Jason’s crazy darkroom, it seemed as though he wanted something from Aria, all right. Why he took pictures of her while she was asleep, we don’t yet know … whether or not he’s crazy, we don’t yet know … why Aria keeps on dreaming about him, that’s sort of obvious. I’d like to think that it’s more complicated than Jason being Ali’s killer.

Once again, Jenna and Garrett stalk Rosewood residents in pitch-black (such as Jason and Aria), saying cryptic things in his car that can be interpreted multiple ways. I just want to know what they know!

Will A use Jason and Aria’s friendship (and forbidden kiss) to attack Aria the way she (or he) attacked the other Liars?

Not to be morbid, but I have a feeling that Mike is going to hurt himself, and possibly even attempt suicide. The blank stares, the refusal to talk to anyone about anything … he needs help, quick. Even his dad mentioned this to his mom when he said that Mike reminded him of his brother, who’d suffered with depression. I’m surprised that Ella brushed that aside so easily. I understand that she feels as though she’s the one responsible for Mike’s delinquent behavior, but it seems unlike her to dismiss such a serious concern of her husband’s — especially one involving her son.

Hanna: Hanna’s been my favorite character on PLL for awhile, but tonight’s episode took the cake. Not only did she deliver the best one-liners as usual, but her nail polish made a statement: I distinctly saw two pink fingernails and two yellow ones on the same hand.

Other than my completely superficial reason to love her, Hanna’s been winning the #1 Girlfriend award for quite a few weeks now. And you know what? Even though it’s sad that Caleb is going to California, and even though she’s probably heartbroken and will be incredibly lonely without him, I think it’s time she stopped playing mommy. I do adore Caleb, but I think Hanna needs a stable, balanced relationship where the guy can support her as much as she does him. And, while we’re at it, how about no drama for a change? Which reminds me … where’s Mona been?

Spencer: I’ve been a bit bored with Spencer these last few weeks. All she does is whisper sharply and insist that “circumstances clearly show [x, y, and z].” I know she almost got murdered and all, and that her sister is MIA and that her dad is a freak and her mom is a spineless wimp who doesn’t ever have a real opinion about anything, but still. Lighten up a bit, Spence! (Kidding …)

And by the way, why do TV moms always cut a cucumber when having an uncomfortable conversation? It seems as though every time I turn around, someone’s mom is shown chopping veggies with a huge blade that dances dangerously close to their perfect fingertips. Yes, I’m thinking about Spencer’s mom, who is eerily not worried about any of the horrific recent events… or maybe she’s just freaking out about everything but is trying really hard not to let it show.

I need some Toby to bring me back to a happy place. And I’m guessing Spencer does also.

Emily: I AM TOTALLY FREAKED OUT by those texts at the all-girl hangout. Where was A lurking? Come on, I’m going nuts over here! Somebody tell me how A gets so much information. Anyway, I’d be pissed too if I were Samara. I am surprised that Emily actually went through with giving her number to Samara’s friend. And then to lie about it too?! It just made matters worse. (But, on the other hand, can you think of the alternative? “Samara, I got this creepy text from this person I don’t know who said that if I don’t come on to your friend then my secret about … well, I can’t really tell you about that either because then you’ll probably dump me … oh, never mind.”)

Come to think of it, Emily could have given her number to the other girl who was hanging out too, just to make it seem innocuous and validate Emily’s reasoning for giving the number (that she just wanted to make an effort with Samara’s friends and hang out in a platonic way). But I guess when you’re being harassed by an omniscient stalker, you don’t usually think straight. Oh well … hindsight is 20/20.

Pretty Little Quotes:

“I don’t  care if I turn into Thor, this soy moisturizer cost me a hundred bucks.” — Hanna, in response to Emily wanting to throw away all of her lotions because A might have tampered with them

“Jenna’s scary enough with four senses. Can you imagine what she’ll do to us with all five?” — Hanna, reacting to the news about Jenna’s upcoming procedure to restore her sight

“What I wouldn’t give for just a nice, simple nightmare … something with a lot of spiders.” — Aria, reacting in confusion and embarrassment to her Jason-filled dreams


Photo Credit: ABC Family

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