CliqueClack TV

I’m glad I don’t have to give up on Pretty Little Liars just yet

Last night's episode of 'Pretty Little Liars' reminded me of the show's good old days - Season 1. Has the quality of the show gone downhill, or is it just experiencing some growing pains?

- Season 2, Episode 10 - "Touched By An 'A'-ngel"


After a few weeks of not-so-impressive episodes, Pretty Little Liars pulled out a stunner that reminds me why I enjoy the show so much.

I wasn’t sure about whether I’d write a review this week if the show kept plodding along at the same frustrating pace. Even though there were a few high points in the past few weeks (‘A’ visiting Emily at the hospital; the girls coming upon the realization that Ali was buried alive; Spencer’s dad acting crazy and burning the hockey stick), it seemed as though PLL was just biding its time until the finale, when something huge would happen. But I’m very glad that the show appears to be returning to the caliber that I remember from Season 1.

One of the main problems with the show is, ironically, also one of its assets: that it continues an unsolved mystery from one season into the next. I’m not saying that things have to come to a predictable close in which “everyone lives happily ever after” — in fact, the unconventional Season 1 finale is one of the reasons the show is so strong. But I see two problems happening with dragging the mystery of who killed Alison and who ‘A’ is for this long.

The first is that people will get bored. I am the type of person who gets impatient and easily distracted. Therefore, I want new and exciting and different things happening each episode. The Ezria storyline? I’m over it. (Sorry.) Spencer and Toby can only act like a lovey couple for so long before something needs to develop there. I’m really tired of waiting for Melissa to return from wherever it is she’s gone. I’ve been waiting for Emily to crack for weeks, and I’m getting antsy. I’m also really done with watching Jenna and Garrett in his cop car. Move along and give us some answers!

The second reason is that things are getting too complicated. Sure, we viewers are smart and everything, but my brain is hurting from storing way too much information at one time without resolution. As I’ve previously pointed out, there are a rather large amount of peripheral characters that I’m convinced will all be important in the end, but who are dancing around doing nothing or being invisible for half the episodes, and I’m really tired of keeping track of everyone and how they fit into the plot!

Upon reading the last two paragraphs, it sounds like I’m requesting that the show cater to viewers with both a low IQ and a low attention span. That is not the case! It’s just that, if I’m expected to use my brain in this show (as I’ve gladly done for shows such as Fringe and Damages), then I need the plot to move.

A show that did this beautifully was Veronica Mars. Each season dealt with a different ongoing case (such as Lilly’s murder in Season 1, the bus crash mystery in Season 2, and the serial rapist in Season 3) while still maintaining the show’s dynamic, its character relationships, overarching mood, and so on. If PLL could just solve Ali’s murder, then perhaps they could create another mystery in the upcoming seasons that would develop as much momentum as this has. Bottom line: the show’s just not as good as it was in Season 1.

However: there were some great moments in last night’s episode that reminded me why I love the show. These include:

  • Alpha Bits! The first thing I said aloud was, “Wow, do they still make Alpha Bits?” And then I just knew they were all going to be As!
  • The N.A.T. club and the discovery of not only what that means, but who is involved. And the fact that Spencer got a 5 on her AP Latin test but doesn’t remember anything. Ha!
  • Emily having a breakdown in the hall and Dr. Sullivan coming to her aid. Emily plays a tortured person really well.
  • Spencer’s ridiculous denim shirt with the shoulders missing. Even though I hated it, it kept me amused for all of her scenes.
  • Emily’s massage gone wrong. Or was it all just a hallucination? Maybe Emily’s going crazy. I’d actually like if that was the way the show went — if the season ended with her in psychiatric care. In many ways, the way that ‘A’ psychologically affects the Liars is more damaging than what she’s done to them physically. Because it never goes away.
  • Ella catching Spencer in Ezra’s car, and the subsequent conversation between Ella and Aria.
  • Jackie Molina calling Aria out for being naive and childish — in a completely calm and mature way, of course. That was like  a slap in the face.
  • Hanna’s truly evil stepsister likening their new relationship to that of a horse and its master. Scary! I’m really excited to see what type of new drama Kate brings to the picture.

Pretty Little Quotes:

“All you ever gave me was a two-for-one at the Donut Hut.” — Hanna, to her mom, who gives Emily a gift certificate for a free massage

“I just think people make too much out of weddings in general. If it needs a tent, it’s a circus.” — Hanna, talking to her mom about her dad’s upcoming wedding
“Says the girl who got up at four in the morning to watch the Royal Wedding.” — Ashley
“I had to pee.” — Hanna
“For three hours?” — Ashley

“College will be a great experience for you. It really helps you grow up.” — Jackie
“Really.” — Aria
“You’ll look back and realize … just how naive you were.” — Jackie

“So, what do you think?” — Hanna, trying on her bridesmaid’s dress
“Hold on, let me stop dry-heaving first.” — Mona
“Ok, it’s not that bad.” — Hanna
Kate Moss would look like a water buffalo in that. All you’re missing is cud.” — Mona

“What are you doing? You are not starved. You just had a whole bowl of jellybeans.” — Hanna
“They were complimentary!” — Mona


Photo Credit: ABC Family

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