CliqueClack TV

Hell’s Kitchen – You’ve got to be kidding me, Gordon!

We're down to the final five black coats on 'Hell's Kitchen.' Is your favorite among them? And is it all turning into a ratings game?

- Season 9, Episode 12 - "6 Chefs Compete"

It’s true. I’m beginning to doubt my Gordon. I never thought I’d say that. I’m sniffling a bit. Remember, he and I have been on such a long road together; several shows, hours on the telephone line, the restraining order (he swore he just did that for a joke), and then my brief sabbatical when he noticed I wasn’t around at all and had that unfortunate but unpublicized nervous breakdown.

I thought he may have cleared the tabouleh out of his brain cells in response to my return of reviewing Hell’s Kitchen last week. But … nay! He’s kept Elise in for the final five? Speaking of that number, she’s been on the carpet the same exact number of times, with her team mates literally begging him to get rid of her. Better chefs have been shown the exit. There were  more deserving people, who would have been better leaders at BLT Steak House, my Gordon’s final dangling apple in the Big Apple. So what in the world gives?

Many of you have pointed out that the vicious always survive on reality competitions to drive up ratings. And I’ve poo-pooed you. Maybe I owe you all an apology, as I’m more than starting to think that this is Gordon’s motivation by keeping this chickie in our faces. I need to sit and sigh for a moment, so talk amongst yourselves.

OK. I’m back.

If the only answer is to drive up ratings, then the integrity and the literal point of the show is thrown right out the window. It becomes not trying to find the best person in the kitchen, but one who will continually upset the applecart (what is my deal with apples?) to bring us back for more drama week after week; more crying, finger pointing, screaming and mayhem. And to this I say? I’ve already been to seventh grade, and I hated it!

Gordon, my Gordon. If all you understand is constant upheaval in your doings, then I respectfully give you a virtual slap a la Cher in Moonstruck and say, “Snap out of it!”

What about your kinder, more fair and gentler side that you show on MasterChef? I have read reviews where Gordon says he is nicer to those contestants because they are not professional cooks, as are the HK contestants. That’s logical. But I feel like HK is turning into a sideshow, with the freaks winning out.

Yes, Gordon. I’m mad. And! It’s going to take more than the diamond bracelet you gave me during our last argument to make it all right again. So get thee to the nearest jewelry store, and kick this obnoxious, rude, arrogant and undeserving chick off next week. Or …

I might break up with you.

P.S. I can already call the last two as Will and Paul. But! Don’t give me any kudos, as it is as obvious as saying the economy may just be taking a downturn.

Photo Credit: Fox

7 Responses to “Hell’s Kitchen – You’ve got to be kidding me, Gordon!”

August 30, 2011 at 8:15 AM

. . . . .

No less than a couple times on last evening’s show I saw Elizabeth scratch and adjust her hair … while preparing food! While I really wanted Elise to get the shaft, I just couldn’t take the whiny, unresponsive-to-her-cookmates, scrunchy-and-painful-looks faced Elisabeth any longer. Her continual wimpy attitude in the thick of things was off-putting.

Geez, I’ve never seen so much back-stabbing in the kitchen before!

August 30, 2011 at 3:45 PM

Elizabeth was annoying, Michael, I agree.

August 30, 2011 at 1:43 PM

I think that he kept Elise so that he can see how the two he thinks will be the finalists handle the pressure of having someone like Elise muck things up

August 30, 2011 at 3:47 PM

Could be. But he’s making me suffer in the meantime, Gordon!

August 30, 2011 at 3:11 PM

Your Gordon is obviously keeping Elise around just to torment you Tara, there can be no other reason.

If you’ll just send him a nice little note, scented with ostrich and parsnips explaining how she is your pick to win, he will come to his senses and boot da bitch!

Great review :-)

August 30, 2011 at 3:47 PM

Looking around for ostrich and parsnips …

August 30, 2011 at 7:39 PM

You’re starting to see the light: HK has long been a freak show. The good news is that the best contestant usually takes it down in the end. The road there, however, hardly matters and is very much lacking in integrity. But what do you expect when the entire competition is at the whims of one (very successful, famous, publicity-savvy) man? Oh, well… the show’s still super entertaining. For me, though, it would be just as entertaining if he played it straight and didn’t keep the so-called entertaining contestants around longer, but rather kept the better chefs and those with real leadership qualities.

As for the final two, I might say Will and Jennifer over Will and Paul.

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