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Revenge – Surprising revelations about the past

Emily gets revenge again, but at what cost? We also learn more about the Graysons, some of which is surprising.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Betrayal"

This week on Revenge“Betrayal”, Emily Thorne goes after the District Attorney that prosecuted her father. This was the most elaborate revenge plot that Emily has attempted so far. She definitely is committed to her mission as seen by her buying the home of Senator Kingsley’s mistress and video taping them, plus the research she had to do to uncover their relationship in the first place.

What lengths will Amanda go to in order to get her revenge? In this case, she corresponded with a pregnant mistress and secretly invited her to a dinner, not to mention her plans to releasing the sex tapes. She got her revenge on Senator Kingsley, but at the expense of an “innocent.” Of course, she was having an affair with a married man, but was it necessary to destroy her life also since Kingsley had already gave up his public career.

That brings me to Daniel. What is Emily doing with him? Does he deserve the revenge treatment? Or, is he just an “innocent” that she is using to get back at Victoria and/or Conrad? When Patrick confronted Daniel at the restaurant, Emily smirked in satisfaction. I find the relationship between Emily and Daniel the most intriguing. Given all the information Emily knows about those who wronged her father, I wouldn’t be surprised if she isn’t using Daniel, but rather wants to help him right his own wrong so he can move on.

Was Emily and Daniel’s engagement real? We are working towards an answer to that question and I can’t wait to find out what is going on. While Emily spent time with Daniel, she kept being drawn towards Jack with a little help from Sammy. It was painful to watch Jack leave on his boat with his father’s ashes without her. She really cares about him; I see a love triangle in her future.

While Emily focused her energy on Kingsley and spent time with Daniel and Jack, the biggest shocker of the episode was the relationship between Victoria and David. We knew they had a relationship and that Victoria testified against David, but what a shocker to find out that Victoria tried to save David in the end! She really did love him. Even a bigger shocker — Amanda knew about this.

I’m not sure what to make of the reveal, but it does complicate the story. Does Emily see Victoria as complicit or not?

Other stuff:

  • Jack and Declan inherited the bar from their father, what will this mean?
  • Love the friendship between Jack and Nolan!
  • I don’t really care about Charlotte and her dalliances. She has to play into the story at some point though, I imagine.
  • Emily really has Nolan wrapped around her finger, though I think he helps her out of boredom more than anything else.
  • Victoria is still wearing the earrings that David gave her. True love?
  • How long until Emily’s revenge goes wrong and really hurts an innocent person? Is that what happened on the beach?
  • The IP address came from the Grayson home … wow! Revenge plot continues….
  • “Actually, would you mind terribly if I started calling you Victoria? – Emily
    “Of course.” -Victoria
    “Good night, Victoria.” -Emily
  • “You scare me.” – Nolan
    “Good.” – Emily
  • “The Amanda?” – Emily
    “Sammy named her.” – Jack

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | News | Revenge | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Revenge – Surprising revelations about the past”

October 8, 2011 at 8:58 AM

I believe that at this point in the story, Emily does not care what innocents she hurts, so long as they are even tangentially related to the families she is targeting. The mistress fares even better in the modern day than she did 200 years ago. She may endure some short-lived ridicule, but the tell-all book or reality show she gains from the public scandal may help to alleviate her suffering. She can then move across the country and raise her child in relative obscurity. It’s not like Senator Villefort was President yet.

Originally, Daniel’s (de Morcerf) death was planned merely to punish his parents. I don’t believe Emily will go through with it, but it seems someone else will. I don’t think she will fall for him in the end, because the entire relationship she has built with him has been so coldly calculated, but I could be wrong, as he seems to have genuinely repented even before he met her.

All that Emily knows is that Victoria claimed to have proof of David’s innocence, but failed to present it. Even if the prosecutor had shot her down, she could have gone to the defense or the judge, or even the media to plead for him, but remained silent for the rest of his life. I think that would harden his daughter’s heart against the woman with whom he was in love rather than make her vacillate.

Since Emily doesn’t have a relationship with Declan at all, I don’t know whether Charlotte will be important to her storyline. Luckily, the two of them are cute together, as well as making for good eye candy.

I get the sense that Nolan is allowing Emily to order him around peremptorily, not that he feels beholden to her in any way. I can’t tell whether he’s helping more out of a sense of obligation to David, or of hatred toward the evil families. I doubt that boredom is a factor, though, as he seems to have no reason to hang out in the Hamptons instead of New York otherwise.

October 9, 2011 at 9:58 PM

I love your blog and the comment above! I thought it was Victoria who sent those emails to the mistress since the IP address came from her house. Or did Nolan hack that part also?

The one part I don’t get it about this show is why Emily has to act so cold to Nolan all the time. He’s helping her a lot and maybe he’s trying to buy her friendship by helping her but I’d at least want Emily to show some appreciation.

Love this show.

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