At least things got a little bit interesting this episode of Terra Nova; but it didn’t come until the very end of the program.
The entire premise of the episode revolved around an incoming meteor that miraculously survived entering Earth’s atmosphere, began breaking up at the last minute within thousands of feet of ground level, and landed relatively near the compound. The resulting shockwave not only caused all kinds of damage, but came with the added monkey business of a EMP (electomagnetic pulse) that disrupted all electronics, power and weaponry the colony uses. Hmmmmmmmmm … I have more to say about this in my side notes below.
Meanwhile, the Sixers are cognizant of the fact they can launch an attack on the defenseless Terra Nova in an effort to snag that mystery object Taylor has locked up, of which no one can open or access. Using torches, the Sixers coax a dinosaur toward the compound to create a diversion, while several baddies successfully raid the place behind our heroes’ backs. Those wily Sixers.
In the end, Mira gets what she’s been pining for over the course of the last few episodes and rendezvous with a mystery figure in the deep, dark jungle to deliver the prize. Turns out the object is accessible by this unknown stranger, Taylor’s renegade son Lucas, who is bent on the destruction of Terra Nova. Or is this really his grand plan?
To be determined.
Side Notes:
- Yes, there are still inconsistencies in the context of the show that bug me. For example, let’s talk EMPs: It’s doubtful such a small meteor — and it was a relatively small meteor — would produce a magnetic pulse great enough to fuse the equipment and firearms of the colonists. Why? Meteors exploding in the atmosphere ionize air, which can result in an EMP, but not to the magnitude of the little guy that visited the Terra Nova neighborhood. But we need to suspend disbelief and go with it, because it’s the entire basis for the episode. I get that.
- Speaking of after-effects of meteors hitting the earth, Taylor yelled at everyone to hit the deck to protect themselves from the oncoming shock wave. What did everyone do? Prostrate themselves on the ground? No. They ran … because they can outdistance a wave traveling hundreds of miles an hour. *sigh*
- Corralling a huge, unpredictable dinosaur with torches? Forcing him in a particular direction over the course of who-knows-what-distance as a diversion to a greater motive against the Terra Nova compound? Wow. Talk about your suspension of disbelief.
- It just so happens Boylan, the main camp shenanigan-trouble-maker-go-to guy, has the availability of “fixing things” in the powerless compound by recreating the chips necessary to turn the lights back on. *sigh*
- Speaking of Boylan, there’s nothing quite like a little Russian roulette with a hostile Sixer to pass the time, is there?
- … wait … wait … the EMP from the meteor disrupted all working equipment in Terra Nova … but the mystery box still functioned perfectly when Lucas accessed it? Really? Its functionability not affected in the least? Must I sigh a trifecta?
“You know how to use this … right?” — Taylor to Jim, passing him a rigged bow and arrow to ward off an approaching dinosaur
“Yeah … but … won’t this just piss him off?” — Jim

Photo Credit: FOX
Some posts that may be related to this:
It’s good to see that after hundreds of years of guns being mechanical and chemical devices, the armorers in 2149 have added the long-needed electronic firing pin so that an army is finally totally defenseless after any old EMP, such as that used by the “Russo-Chinese.”
The box being shielded from an EMP is one of the few things in the episode that makes any sense. If it wasn’t, they could have just used that medical scanner we saw in this very episode to peek inside it. The chip fabricator not being similarly shielded, or at least stored down with The Eye, was the ridiculous part.
I assumed the crowd in the marketplace was running to get shelter in or behind buildings, so they would not be caught in the open, not that they were stupid enough to try to outrun the shockwave. As always on this show, I might have been giving them too much credit.
I was glad that Taylor acknowledged that, without the perimeter mines and sonic guns, that stupid Lincoln Log fence did them about as much good as if it were made out of toothpicks. What possible reason is there for it to have such large gaps throughout except for Sixers to flit in and out of the colony at will?
Don’t care about Taylor, Jr. or Mira in the slightest. And Boylan is only about one-tenth as interesting as his analogue Pope from Falling Skies, although both share the single redeeming characteristic of being willing to casually kill people and thankfully remove them from my screen.
You are funny today!
I was waiting all day to see a review on this show. COME ON A BOX THAT CREATES CHIPS THAT WILL FIX EVERYTHING THAT WAS FRIED BY THE EMP?
This episode was awesome the first 10 minutes… It was a great premise, trapped back in time, and all of your electronics are down, and everyone has to band together and use primitive means to survive until the next pligrimage. No wait we have a lil’ box that creates chips that will fix everything. Wudeva!
. . . .
After reading your comment, I now have The O’Kaysion’s I’m A Girl Watcher stuck in my head … just with different lyrics:
“I’m a chip fixer! I’m a chip fixer! Fixin’ chips that fry! Fry, fry, fry!
I’m a chip fixer! I’m a chip fixer! There goes one now! Bye, bye, bye!”
Ha! I had to reach out to YouTube to find the song, and it works here…lol
It feels so good to find people that watch the show with as much “suspension of disbelief” as it requires to actually live through an ep…. I actually googled this forum because of the EMP inconsistency on the box… though I was appeased by Ryan’s explanation.
I did think this was the twist toward a non-technological period… so don’t get me started on the chip-generating machine and the chip-fixing genius… so thanks to all of you I now have peace of mind :) there are people in the world that fight for what is consistent and reasonable hehehe