CliqueClack TV

The X Factor – Astro throws a temper tantrum

One of the bottom two contestants on 'The X Factor' caused a bit of a scene last night. Let's talk about it! I just loooove a good "scene!"

- Season 1, Episode 16 - "Live Results Show #3"

Yes. I was surprised that Astro was one of the bottom two vote-getters on last night’s elimination edition of The X Factor. The judges have called him out as having “international star” potential. The comments on my posts concerning him have been positive. The crowd seems wild for him. I’ve felt rather alone in my annoyance of the little creep. Until now!

I’ve thought Astro a pernicious pain in my side since the beginning of this whole thing. There’s a difference between “attitude” and pure irritating cockiness. Astro has continued to display the latter to the hilt.

In one of the first shows, he said in five years, he will be bigger than Jay z. (Everyone thought it was cute, then. This fourteen year old with all the swagga? I just rolled my eyes.) Then this week, he said it was okay that he was missing his mom because the “Next time I see Mom, I plan on having five mill, so it’s no big deal.” Ugh! I could name you several other examples of how great he thinks he is in his rap lyrics.

My point being? I was surprised he got the least number of votes (besides Stacy who’s Buh-bye) but I was not surprised at the way he dealt with it; by almost refusing to perform, crossing his arms, pouting, staring and talking back to Simon when he was called on his behavior.  He’s a baby! He threw a tantrum. That’s what babies do.

Astro is just fine when he’s being praised all ova the place. But we can see now how he deals with things when they don’t go his way. If he’s this much of a punk now? What in the world is he going to be like in five years when he’s “bigger than Jay Z?” Huh? I ask you …


Photo Credit: Fox

11 Responses to “The X Factor – Astro throws a temper tantrum”

November 18, 2011 at 4:00 PM

I haven’t been watched XFactor since the first couple episodes of auditions, but tuned into FOX after BBT and before Bones and saw the bottom 2.

I couldn’t believe his reaction. I get that he is a kid, but what a poor attitude. When I heard him perform, I was surprised he was even on the show. But, then with his attitude with the judges, I realized he didn’t give his all.

I guess Stacy had a few bad performances and that’s why she was let go, but I question why Simon kept him. Probably good to give the kid another chance, but I hope if that attitude continues … he is gone!

Just a few thoughts from someone who hasn’t been watching … haha.

November 18, 2011 at 4:29 PM

Carla, let’s just say my cats will be relieved that Stacy is gone. Her screeching was hurting their little ears.
And the Kid purposely gave a crap performance, cause he was mad. Sigh. Irritating.

November 18, 2011 at 5:55 PM

Come on, Tara, tell us what you really think!

I have been willing to accept that Astro has something that people who like that kind of thing could enjoy, even if I’m not one of those people. [I love Josh, like Melanie, and respect Leroy.] No longer being 14, I wasn’t going to try to say what a teen or preteen would pay money to hear. I respect L.A. and Simon enough to accept their judgement that Astro has potential.

However, the “tantrum” ended even that as far as I was concerned. There is no doubt in my mind that Simon woke up this morning upset that he hadn’t voted to send Astro home. It would have made a tie, putting it back in the hands of the voters. If Astro didn’t get more votes than Stacy … which we will never know now … he deserved to go home. A vote on Simon’s part to sent Astro home would have been a “collar correction” [See Puppy Training 101] on Astro about his attitude. Instead, Wilma handed the leash to George and, in true Jetson style, Astro was once again in control.

November 19, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Nyela, I had no doubt that Simon would not send Astro home. He sees a cash cow there, and has ratings to think about. (Which have been good, but not as brilliant as expected.)
And! Nice Jetson’s reference, girl!

November 18, 2011 at 6:33 PM

From the moment he opened his mouth during the auditions, Astro came off as obnoxious and arrogant. Does it surprise anyone that he hasn’t become more humble, after being praised by the judges week after week? But even leaving aside all the ego-stroking that led to this embarrassing moment, the truth is he’s afraid to show humility because arrogance is part of his schtick. Rappers don’t plead for America’s votes; they rap about how much paper they have and how they’re the best at what they do and how they get all the girls. Astro is trying to stay in character, but his tears showed that he’s still a little kid trying to play a role. If he doesn’t learn how to be genuine and vulnerable (like the other guys, Chris and Marcus), he’s not going to win anyone over.

November 19, 2011 at 12:05 AM

Ruby, I can only imagine the “damage control” that is currently going on. I’m sure there are several publicity types coaching Astro on his apology as we speak. Not to mention what Simon and L.A. must be whispering quite loudly and purposefully in his ear.
They need him to stick around. The crowd actually booed his attitude, and he’ll have to work it to get their votes back. Take out a fork next week, and watch for knee deep humble pie. Just in time for Thanksgiving!

November 18, 2011 at 7:33 PM

I only saw it because I was always waiting for Bones to start. The way he was acting / looked I thought he was 10-11, not 14. You are in the top ten, preforming to millions and can very well get a contract even when he doesn’t win, but not with an attitude like that.

November 19, 2011 at 12:07 AM

I’m not sure the top ten on this show are all worthy of getting a contract, Oreo. There’s been some stinkers.
However, I agree with you that getting the chance to perform for millions is something you don’t want to screw up. Astro did.

November 19, 2011 at 2:41 AM

I am one that does like some rap (not all) but I have to say I really have not like this kid from the start. His attitude is what I haven’t liked and it has progressively gotten worse as the weeks go by. But his behavior the other night was appalling to say the least and apology or not I have to admit I would love to see his mom take a belt to him. His remark about not wanting to sing for people that would put HIM in the bottom 2 was not just bad but insulting to all the other contestants like they could be in that spot but not him. I see another Lindsay Lohan coming up in this kid—-You know like his chit don’t stink. Yeah not liking him at all and worse now I don’t respect his talent either.

November 19, 2011 at 2:41 PM

I can’t believe that Simon didn’t kick him in the butt and tell him he should appreciate this opportunity. I am with Gina in that I have never liked his attitude. I know Stacy wasn’t my favorite either but she should have been voted through just to spite Astro. I am sure this week he will be as sweet as pumpkin pie.

November 19, 2011 at 6:36 PM

i think the only person that really gets excited about astro is jerry sandusky

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