CliqueClack TV

The X Factor – Astro’s half-assed “apology,” the mist, and the choirs

I knew some damage control was going on behind the scenes at 'The X Factor' this week, after young Astro's ridiculous behavior. But was what we saw a sincere apology, or just more cockiness?

- Season 1, Episode 17 - " LIVE Performance Show #4 - Top 9 Perform "

If you’re a fan of The X Factor, you saw “the thingie last week,” as finalist Astro referred to the assinine fit he threw after being voted in the bottom two on results night. Since then, you’ve heard about  it on many social media sites, entertainment shows and hopefully read my post as well. So you’re up to speed. Here’s two questions for you …

1. Did you see overwhelmingly positive feedback about the incident? Did you notice most people cheering his piss poor attitude? Yeah. Me niether.

2. Just what constitutes an apology anymore?

I heard L.A. Reid say Astro was sorry for the way he acted. I heard his Mom and step Dad making some excuses. Did you notice Astro himself state in the package before he sang? “I could have handled it better.” (Um, ya think?)

But with the only two times I heard Astro himself say the words “I’m sorry” tonight, both were so insincere and mildly insulting that I was irritated all over again. As in …

“I’m sorry as long as I have my true fans behind me, then I’m straight.” Or! Another example in his own written lyrics; “What you want me to do? I’m sorry, I’m from Brooklyn.”

Look. He’s not sorry, OK? I saw absolutely nothing to lead me to think that this kid believes he behaved in a manner that was petulant, disrespectful, rude and cocky. Astro instead chose to spin it like the majority of us were wrong! He focused on all the positive messages he received on Twitter. And how many many times did he shove that nickname he’s now made up for his “fans” at us? “The Asro-naughts?” Yeesh! I’m gagging. I literally have heart burn as I write this. Astro owes me a mountain of Tums.

And do not tell me the judges didn’t catch the fact that he’s just as blatantly full of attitude as before. Astro beat us over the head in his performance, by rapping every state and country that had tweeted (or whatevered) him. He just went on and on and on about how everybody loves him.

Is this atoning for a mistake? Is this learning from committing a huge blunder? Did you see a glimmer of humility anywhere? Cause I sure didn’t.

The judges were rather skeptical about it too. I could tell. Nicole mentioned how nice it was that he was “grateful” for his fans. And to always be grateful. Simon said “it wasn’t the perfect song.” (Um, ya think?)

Which brought us to his mentor, L.A. What show is L.A. watching? What planet is he living on with so many of his comments? He actually praised Astro for “humbling himself and apologizing.” Hellllooooo!

I hope L.A. reads this post, or “plays it back,” as Simon would say.

As for the rest of the show … if I tell you it was as boring as plain toast, I may sound bitter. After all, it was about “inspiration” and “thanks” and that stuff. But!


There was waaay to much crying. (Yes I’m looking at you Paula and Nicole. Please stop crying. You didn’t birth these people, for goodness sake. You just mentor them.) There was so much corn, I went to the fridge in a daze and ate an entire tub of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.” And too much “mist” around the performers! And too many choir people! The choirs and the mist truly need to go. Grrrr. And really? I’m usually mad for great stories and tributes and lovey schmuck. The producers just about did me in with the overkill, though.

Josh had me. That’s it. Just Josh.

Photo Credit: FOX

13 Responses to “The X Factor – Astro’s half-assed “apology,” the mist, and the choirs”

November 23, 2011 at 1:36 PM

If Astro stays one more week, I’ll be VERY surprised…although since the judges make the FINAL decision, unless it’s anyone but 1 of the girls, the judges, the idiots that they can be, will likely save him again.

FYI, saw a tweet from one of my Seahawks who has a product called “The Showerpill” – look it up, it’s a REAL product! – who wants to have Astro do the anthem song for the product. Just HAD to share that!!!!!

I’m willing to forgive him his youth, but he really didn’t apologize, I guess he just has more growing up to do…and I can only imagine how how he’ll react if he’s in the bottom again tonight!!!

November 23, 2011 at 5:21 PM

I’m popping up some Orville Reddenbacher just in case!

November 23, 2011 at 2:30 PM

ok first of all you need to leave astro alone 2nd yes the judges will probally save him 3rd he doesnt even belong there he has too much talent to be there he just needs to be sighned to a contract… and 4th quit hateing you nerdy losers

November 23, 2011 at 4:08 PM

Lookie here all…we either have a tweenie, or a troll….doesn’t it remind of that site we all met on ;)

“all you nerdy losers” – that’s ALL you got kid???

Sorry guys, but I think my inner snark is finding it’s way out – LOL!!!

November 23, 2011 at 5:22 PM

Astro? This is really *you* isn’t it? C’mon … fess.

November 23, 2011 at 6:13 PM

LMAO Tara!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 23, 2011 at 2:32 PM

I guess I’ve just got all the snark drained out of me. Last week I would have been cheering you on and ready to help Simon find the spaceship to send Astro WITH Paula where Astro-naughts belong – Outer Space. But, for some unknown reason, this week I actually “got it” from the rap song. I could see the crafting as talent, the performance as skilled, and the presentation as a true representation of the artist. I could understand, maybe for the first time, why L.A. Reid would put so much time into a punk kid. This cocky, arrogant, punk kid is a poetic genius in his own medium! [That actually hurt to admit.]

Astro is a contestant that I think would be better in the competition if he never opened his mouth except during a performance. I don’t want to get to know him personally, and I hope he goes home tonight. The producers must agree, because they spent more time in his intro clip with quotes from his supporters than him.

However, I do think last week was a voting fluke with many of Astro’s regular supporters complacent and spending their votes to save someone else [Leroy Bell?]. The “apology” along with lukewarm performances from Lakoda Rayne and Drew will probably send them home instead of Astro.

I also agree Josh had me, completely, from the first note on the piano. Anyone watching me at that moment would have thought I was as sappy as Nicole. Wild Horses couldn’t tear me from Josh now.

In another demonstration of my snarklessness, I really liked the show last night. It felt more like an old fashioned variety show [Did Perry Como, Andy Williams, or Bing Crosby ever do a Thanksgiving Special?] than a competition, but it kind of felt good. Chris Rene still can’t sing, Leroy Bell is still 60, and Rachel Crow is still & always will be cute. Melanie broke through to connect emotionally with her audience, and Marcus Gantry cleaned up his choirboy image by loving his mom. What more can you ask of a 3 day workweek?

November 23, 2011 at 5:27 PM

Nyela, your comments are always thoughtful and I appreciate them!

November 23, 2011 at 2:38 PM

Doesn’t the use of “astro fan” as an name on a comment imply that there is only one since it gets past the filter as a unique moniker? [Oh, I feel better. I haven’t lost all my snark after all.]

November 23, 2011 at 3:19 PM

Too funny, I’m glad you havn’t lost your snark either!

November 23, 2011 at 4:03 PM

Ahhhhhh…..phew…..I was worried you’d lost your snark…and that JUST CAN’T HAPPEN!!!!!!

I agree…..maybe if he just sings and doesn’t speak all would be good!

I wonder what happens if it’s Astro and Drew in the bottom…that would be an interesting problem for the judges!!!!

November 24, 2011 at 5:40 AM

I agree there was no apology and I think LA might want to look up the meaning of humble….just saying—- because the kid does not have it and probably can’t spell it. I do agree that he may have talent in this genre but thank god whether he wins or gets a contract once this is over I will never have to listen to him again, I will be able to change the channel which I have to admit I did when he rapped a few sentence. Maybe he is trying to carry out what he thinks is the tough guy image that most rap stars have but this kid knows nothing about the pain and the anger that those guys feel, best I can tell he has a pretty good life other than according to him he wants out of Brooklyn. And of course he was safe again.

Josh is my choice to win but we will see.

November 24, 2011 at 8:28 PM

yeah, I agree. no humble apologies but of course the kid has no humbleness at all. I have to say he probably does appeal to rap fans cuz my son is here for thanksgiving and he was sticking up for him. Also, my kids don’t really appreciate the older contestants so, I am not sure they will do well with the younger audience. I like Josh and think he is very talented but I still think one of the girls will win. Unlike others, I really like Drew and Rachel. I think they are both really talented. Drew has a definitely unique voice. She reminds me of Sarah MacCaughlin.

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