CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Final word: “Idjits”

This season has been one of the oddest in plot and pacing up to this point, with a major happening in its seventh fall finale that leaves me scratching my head.

- Season 7, Episode 10 - "Death's Door"

Bobby Singer’s been a favorite character of mine; I’m sure I’m not alone here. I’m not exactly sure why I’ve thought this, but all along I’ve been pretty sure Bobby would not last through to see the final episode of the series. He’s not the happiest dude and lives a life that’s not all that healthy, on several levels, both mentally and physically. However, I did not in a million years believe Bobby would go out due to what amounts to a lucky shot from a lackluster baddie in the Supernatural universe.

The episode left off with a cliffhanger of sorts, but there’s no doubt that the Bobby that comes out of this — alive or dead — will not be the Bobby we’ve come to know. The decision he’s left with seems to be this: does he follow the reaper to the afterlife, or does he stick around as, I presume, a ghost? There’s no Bobby coming back to life from this — Bobby’s dead. Right now I’m bothered at the method the great Bobby Singer met his demise, though, technically, I don’t believe he’s gone from the Supernatural world. It’s pretty obvious Bobby decides not to move on, and he’ll be making a ghostly appearance to the boys at some point, mark my words.

Did no one else see Bobby meeting his maker in some huge blaze of glory, not this? Or at least in a way that tore more at our heartstrings and made even the least emotionally-susceptible person weep?

I know there are Supernatural fanatics who will find no wrong with this show, and I used to be one of them … used to be. This season has not been one of its best, and I’m totally puzzled by anyone saying the contrary. The leviathans have been an utterly ho-hum baddie and have barely made a significant appearance in the season, so much so that it’s easy to forget what the plot of the season’s supposed to be. I believe the idea for the season was to “get back to basics” like the old days, hence the mentions at times to some of the first season missions the Winchesters executed. But is that really what we want in the later seasons of our beloved show?

Photo Credit: Michael Courtney/The CW

43 Responses to “Supernatural – Final word: “Idjits””

December 2, 2011 at 10:43 PM

HES NOT DEAD! They are gonna find some Hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him!!! :(

And when that doesn’t work, castiel will show up!

December 3, 2011 at 5:55 AM

@caleb castiel is dead

December 3, 2011 at 12:36 PM

I refuse to believe Cas is dead as we didn’t see a wing shot! Same for Balthazar.

December 2, 2011 at 10:53 PM

@caleb Cas is dead he wont come back this season

and while i think he should have died in a bigger blaze as you said i think they did it to show that he was still an ordinary guy

December 2, 2011 at 11:35 PM

All I know is that they better not kill Bobby off, who will call Dean and Sam Idjits? I am so mad about this :o (

December 2, 2011 at 11:50 PM

I love you Bobby!!! Please come back to us!

December 3, 2011 at 12:09 AM

Towards the last few seconds in the scene where hospital staff are trying to revive Bobby after he flatlined, there’s a man-in-white attire that entires the room — just right before the scene switches inside Bobby’s head where he was grabbing beers from the fridge… coud it be Gabriel?

December 3, 2011 at 12:12 AM

Hm, it didn’t seem out of place. Seemed like hospital staff.

December 3, 2011 at 12:16 AM

LOL… just trying to be optimistic. The dude was all in white including shoes…

December 3, 2011 at 12:10 AM

It is the Kirk death all over again. People complained that Kirk died after the bridge he was on collapsed, not in some epic battle with Klingons or whatnot. I loved that he died a subtle death. It showed that Kirk was human. And that not every hero dies in the way we expect. Some die before they should. The Doctor has nearly died plenty of times, and each “death” didn’t have that epic feel the Doctor should have, but any one of his adventures could be his last. Any one of Kirk’s missions could have been his last. And any one of Bobby’s hunts could have done him in. Sure, battling Lucifer would have been epic, but he could just as easily been killed by a witch, or a spirit that got the best of him. So to me, him dying by a gunshot from a Leviathan works, because it doesn’t have to be the biggest baddie, or the greatest fight that takes down the hero. Just the one who got the better of him. I always knew Bobby was doomed. Every side character on this show has died, besides him (and including him, sort of). I knew we would loose Bobby to something. I thought it would be Lucifer. I thought it would be evil Cas. Or Zachariah. Or Lilith. Something was bound to get him, because the boys have that luck to them…something always gets their friends. I do not think Cas is gone. Why would God bring Cas back so often if He didn’t have a purpose for him? Although, his purpose could simply have been to stop Raphael, and to save Bobby the last time so that he could get them this last piece of information to clean up Cas’ mess. But I think the angel will return, and maybe he will save Bobby once more. But I do not criticize his death, because we all must die, and it may not be how we intend, or when we think it will be, or seem to be fitting to the life we lived. As it is in life, so it should be in television.

December 3, 2011 at 12:34 AM

Thank You, you just summed it up. Plus for all those saying it really sucks without Cas and Bobby around also said they wanted Season 1 again…well now you got it and your bitching again. Man through all the seasons though I knew this would happen you are spot on. Much Love.

December 3, 2011 at 12:38 AM

I swear the same people crying about the show being to far gone in season 6, which I loved, we finally are back to the roots, Two boys on the road no one else and people are already complaining. “I loved Bobby in season 1″ Really? for like the 5 minutes he was in it in the 22nd episode? Super fans are freakshows, myself not included. And no that doesn’t mean you are like Sam.

December 3, 2011 at 1:15 AM

Wat was bobbys last words?

December 3, 2011 at 4:29 AM

Bobby’s death was epic in it’s own way, he went out exactly as I expected him to, fighting. The entire episode was about him trying to find any way he could to get some sort of crucial information to Sam and Dean, and he was willing to risk his very afterlife to do it. He succeeded, he won that fight, and the numbers he scrawled on his hand in his dying moment will be the game changing information to help Sam and Dean get back on top, survive, and ultimately beat the Leviathan.

In the heroic journey, Bobby was the wizard arch-type. Gandalf, Obi Wan, Dumbledore, they all had to die before the hero could truly grow up and stand on their own two feet. Bobby was no different, he’s not gone from the Supernatural world, but Sam and Dean can no longer depend on him to solve their problems.

December 3, 2011 at 4:53 AM

The last scene of Bobby remembering the boys will go down as one of the defining moments of the series. I can’t imagine SPN without him. Kudos to Jim Beaver for brilliantly carrying such an emotional episode.

December 3, 2011 at 5:39 AM

It’s time for Bobby to move on, I love him and his character but I think this is the perfect send off, I’m kinda annoyed they cliffhangered it. The whole episode was so poignant. He deserves to rest. He struggled and fought to get those numbers to the boys, now his job done. To quote a particular song that I’m sure y’all know “There’ll be peace when you are done.” Bobby carried on and did what he needed to do and now he should be allowed to rest. No amnesia story, no ghost story. We all have a time, this is Bobby’s.

He wasn’t eaten alive, or cursed or killed by a Ghost or ghoul or whatever he was shot with a human created tool, he died a very real death.

The human death of a mortal man in a Supernatural World. There is not a more poetic way to say goodbye to Bobby.

December 3, 2011 at 8:41 AM

I think that season 7 is quite good and one of the best seasons of supernatural.
I dont think the producers writers and director ever dropped the ball ever since season 4.
And yes Death’s Door is one of the best episodes of Supernatural.
Im going to miss Bobby Singer and to make me feel that way about a fictitious tv character means the show is doing something right.

December 3, 2011 at 10:30 AM

I cried too. But what for? It’s supernatural. there are ghosts and monsters out there. why couldn’t Bob just be one of them, and it may also change Deans’ theory about “all monsters should be killed”. Bob will just find a way to hang on and keep helping the brothers to kill Dick!

December 3, 2011 at 12:38 PM

The boys wont be able to cope without Bobby. They would have lost too much.

December 3, 2011 at 1:49 PM

Pretty much agree with everything you say here and I’m totally baffled as well by these posts that say this is one of the best seasons yet. What?? Writing is all over the place–they keep starting with plot ideas and then dropping them with no development (Godstiel? Oops, maybe not. Leviathian Cas? Okay, not that either. Sam and Lucifer? For about 5 seconds. Guilty!Dean? That lasted two episodes. Dean losing his marbles? Maybe they will do more with that…we’ll see. And the Leviathan are the whimpiest bad guys they have every had on the show IMO, and they aren’t exactly setting that up in what seems to be any sort of planned way–seems their appearances are fairly random. Personally “going back to basics” appears to me to be lazy writing and sorry, you can’t go home again when you’ve introduced Angels, Lucifer, God, Death and the Apocalypse. “Monster of the Week” no longer cuts it. Sorry.
I’ve watched this show since early second season and this episode may be what makes me jump ship. Which breaks my heart, because my attachment to these characters (primarily Dean and Castiel) has been very deep and it will be really tough to let go, but I’d rather than than see this show sink every further into mediocrity and character assassination.

December 3, 2011 at 2:31 PM

You are wrong on a dozen levels. Every “little plot” you’ve mentioned was just a way to add depth to a simple, larger plot. And IF you have been paying attention you would notice that every episode alludes to those “dropped plots” that you keep talking about such as when Sam pushed on his scar to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating Bobby’s condition.
Maybe Supernatural doesn’t mean much to people as much as it used to because people are expecting things to be given to them straight forward with no intellectual literary ability.
As for the review, as someone who has been watching the show from the beginning, you should know that this episode lines up with every theme of redemption, natural in the unnatural, and family. This episode was a nearly perfect send off for one of the best characters on television.

December 3, 2011 at 6:36 PM

I dont understand how people are not able to follow the plot of this series and not everyone needs to go down in a blaze of glory.

The spin on this death is, he was killed by some super powerful baddie that doesnt need to stress and shot Bobby with a gun, Dick doesnt care, he knows they cant kill him thats why he turns up to gloat.

Its been a bit obvious bobby was going to die, all of his yard and house was destroyed and the boys are to messed up for him to help now.

I would like to have seen a little more of that woman bobby kissed though, if she had turned up that is.

December 4, 2011 at 12:40 PM

I love it when people say “you are wrong”–I can just as easily say “you don’t have any ability to follow a coherent plot line” by not agreeing with me, but you are entitled to your opinion, so I will just say “I disagree.”

This season *in my opinion* in no way shows the coherency of this show’s best seasons. I’ll eat my words if the second half of the season shows that they are actually TAKING this season somewhere. Right now it feels like kids with a short attention span playing with toys then getting bored with them. They remind me of the worst of the angst driven fan writers I’ve read online who just get off on torturing the characters by whatever means they have at hand, both physically and psychologically. Well, sorry, but I’m not a sadist and have pretty much had enough of both bad writing and emotional blackmail.

So I’m out of here and will leave it to you people who actually think this season has some redeeming qualities, but it appears you are in the minority, as the ratings are pretty much in the toilet at this point. I’d be very surprised if this show makes it to a season 8…

December 5, 2011 at 6:31 AM

Funny how you think I’m a minority when the vast majority of those who commented on this and other reviews have said the opposite. Not to mention that this was the most negative of the reviews I found.
Don’t get it twisted by assuming your opinion is that of the majority. Also, you’re right about not saying someone’s “wrong,” but I’m only stating that you’re wrong about the dropped plot lines.
Lastly, Supernatural has always struggled for viewers and people have said it wasn’t going to make it to the next season since season 3.
I don’t believe ratings are down because the writing is down, I believe ratings are down because after a while cult-show fans begin to complain about everything. They want change in the show but then they want the original. Then they complain about plot dropping or lingering on a plot too long. They start to feel that the show owes them something so they start to whine on forums.

December 8, 2011 at 7:17 AM

A lot of shows start out with high ratings at the beginning of the season. The ratings go down in the middle because it’s usually a lot of “filler episodes” and down time to make the season longer. Then, when the season comes to the last few episodes the ratings go up again.

My view on this season is pretty much “Eh, it’s good…could be better” but I was always a die hard Cas fan so since he’s not here it makes me sad lol. However, it seems like this season will pick up. It looks like a trial-an-error thing now because they are still trying to find a way to actually kill the Leviathans. I hope that once they do this things will pick up.

March 16, 2012 at 4:07 PM

Do you even watch supernatural do you remember frank do you remember what he said they went two more episode after Bobby’s death to kill dick but dean was so stressed out about killing him Frank told him to go out and do his job like they have been since season 1

December 4, 2011 at 11:50 AM

So sad… will miss you Bobby!!!

December 4, 2011 at 12:50 PM

Why Bobby, I loved the idjits and dumbass remarks… it’s too soon… although I kindda see him as a potential villian in Hawaii 5-O against a certain Terry O’Locke and the rest of the team

December 5, 2011 at 1:37 AM

I don’t think Bobby will be coming back. If he does, ‘bad writer!’ If he comes back, then Bobby going through all that to get his message to Sam and Dean will have no meaning. He has to be dead and moved on. As much as I liked the character, I don’t see any other way for it to play out.

December 5, 2011 at 5:45 AM

You’re joking? the leviathans were in episode 1,2,3,5,6,9 and 10. Azazel and Lilith nearly show up in season 2 and 3.

December 9, 2011 at 6:04 PM

Gasp! You say you used to be a fanatic? You think this is not a good season? Did you not watch Sam get married? Did you not see the sadness that is Cass? Did you not watch fake Sam and fake Dean get their heads cut off, after visiting first season landmarks and making fun of Sam’s hair? Yes? Well, Supernatural is a wonder in itself, and I think it is terrible that Bobby is dead, but it will, it must, survive.

December 12, 2011 at 1:59 PM

“Idgits”! This is what all five of us kids heard sitting at the dinner table, with Dad glaring at us back in the 1970’s. I laughed for weeks the first time Bobby Singer said it. Good times! Bobby gone? I still miss Cass, Jo and Ellen, and even the ultra cool blonde Ruby and Bela! I’m doomed! By the way, do you think Dean saw Bela in hell? They both were dragged there about the same time by hell hounds.

December 24, 2011 at 3:58 AM

I think this is Bobby’s time to go. He fought a good battle and ended a hero. He fought his inner demons and came up victorious! Will I miss him? of course! Did I cry when his monitor flat lined? Yes! But it’s these moments that make great TV, when the actor can move you beyond words, to the heart of the moment. I hope he dies. I hope he chooses to move on. This doesn’t mean (it is Supernatural after all) that we will never see him again. This just means that the writers got it right! He should die, a hero’s death! Go out with all of us loving him, feeling his pain in what he’s endured. Feeling his love for Sam and Dean. His love for Karen. And seeing him for the true hero that he was, fighting to help “his” boys one last time. If they bring him back in some “miracle” it’s a slap in the face for the excellence of the episode. If they bring him back as a ghost that Sam and Dean have to kill, it’s a tragic waste of a hero. Let him rest in peace, he’s earned it!

December 29, 2011 at 12:04 AM

God’s gonna bring back Castiel like the first time…Castiel is gonna bring back bobby like the first time…Problem solved Idjits.

January 7, 2012 at 12:32 AM

Of course! I’ll stop crying now. After the heartbreak of losing Cas, I’m not sure how much more I could take. Thank you – let’s hope you’re right.

January 7, 2012 at 7:55 PM

Bobby Singer is probably a spirit.. If you guys saw the new episode, Dean comments that his beer is “mysteriously” empty. Knowing that Bobby Singer was a heavy drinker, loved Sam and Dean as his own children, and was left with the option of either going to heaven or remain on Earth as a spirit, the answer to why Dean’s beer was mysteriously finished can probably be due to the possibility that Bobby chose to remain on Earth as a spirit..
(Just an observation and a conjecture)

Bobby Singer Lives On! and hopefully Castiel..

January 9, 2012 at 9:52 AM

I do not think you saw the last of bobby. He is definetly dead, however I think he is suppose to be the catalsyt as there biological dad before them was.

However I do believe that he decided to stay as a ghost. I also think he drank deans beer in the first episode. However, I think he will help them in this coming season and then, close to the finale we will see him either disappear because his mission is accomplished OR they will have to banish him like they do other ghosts that stay then become vengencful and angry.

I think this season is slower because they don’t want a 1 and done bad guy. I think they are looking longer term, demons weren’t boom there all the time until the 2/3/4 seasons. I think we are so use toa a built story we can’t see the building.

Leviathans i think are going to be a 2 season story arc, at least.

January 10, 2012 at 12:54 AM

Bobby’s a ghost and Cas is coming back! When they said “stay tuned for scenes from our next episode” or whatever they say, one of the pictures they flashed was of Castiel! Now if it’s really Cas or not it to be seen :-)

February 16, 2012 at 8:36 AM

I’m from China , I love supernatural , and I think Bobby will revive

February 16, 2012 at 8:46 AM


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