CliqueClack TV

Survivor – Working in mysterious ways

While the final five play the game of 'Survivor,' it seems that God is playing his own game with Brandon.

- Season 23, Episode 14 - "Then There Were Five"

Brandon Hantz

Well, when they say God works in mysterious ways, I think we can use this week’s episode of Survivor as reference material!

For the life of me, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to make some kind of final five deal with a group of people who all want to win a million dollars. It always sounds good in theory, but when you actually get to that point … then what? Playing a game with honor, loyalty and integrity will only get you so far. Sure, it’s gotten Coach’s alliance this far, but now we’re seeing the inevitable lying, betrayls and backstabbing that come with the territory and it’s freaking them out like this was some unexpected turn of events. I’m actually looking forward to next season when the two tribes will live on the same beach, blurring those lines of alliances.

Albert seems to be the only person on the Te Tuna tribe who realizes these people cannot be friends at this point. He went all out, ready to get rid of Rick, Sophie or Brandon …whichever one that would get him a step closer to a million bucks. But Albert didn’t plan on Brandon exposing all of his machinations … and, seriously, this isn’t the first time Brandon has done this. I’m surprised anyone in the tribe even bothers to talk to him, because every time someone tries to let him in on a plan, or calls someone out in private, Brandon has to call a group meeting. And after Rick told him about Albert asking if they were good for final three, Li’l Hantz had to drag everyone (except Coach) to a group meeting where Albert had to scramble to cover his lies.

But Albert was smart, smoothing things over with Brandon to the point that Brandon, who had just won immunity and reward (and shared his pizza with Rick, probably thinking Rick was the sacrificial lamb at Tribal), considered giving his immunity to Albert. I don’t know if that was Albert’s end game, but it certainly came as a shock when they got to Tribal and Brandon gave him the necklace before Jeff even got his first question out. Seems that God has become quite the prankster … or maybe He’s just tired of people going on reality shows thinking he cares whether they win or not.

Brandon has been so sure of his faith in God that he’s basically been playing with fire from day one. There’s been many a time that he should have been voted out, but for some reason he’s been kept safe. This week, he won immunity so that must have been another sign that he was safe. Why else give it up? Then he told Coach of his plan to save Albert, not knowing that he was the original target, and Coach asked Brandon to let him pray on it. Coach prayed and prayed and prayed and he was only given one name.

Things got crazy at Tribal after Brandon handed over his immunity, affirming to Jeff that this had been a long-standing alliance. But Coach called him out, reminding him that just a few hours earlier he was going to write Albert’s name down. Then Brandon tried to pull the sympathy card by relating how his boyhood “gang” took advantage of his loyalty (loved that Jeff said it wasn’t really much of a gang). Sophie’s eyes were rolling hard. Jeff asked Albert if he would return the immunity necklace to Brandon if he felt Brandon was in danger and he said he would. Rick spilled the beans, so to speak, about Coach having the hidden immunity idol (which kind of explains why no one has ever voted for him, but can we say “blindside”?), then Brandon suddenly didn’t feel so secure in his position. Albert did, however, and decided not to return immunity (probably aware that he would get the axe). Coach said he was at peace with the message he received from God, and Brandon said he was at peace with that message as well. With two votes for Sophie and two for Brandon, the deciding vote was Coach’s to make, and Brandon was sent to Redemption Island.

It certainly seems like a cruel joke for God to tell Brandon he’s safe and then to tell Coach to vote the kid out, but perhaps it’s been His plan all along … to get Ozzy out (who narrowly beat Edna, of all people, at the duel). Will God’s plan be revealed on the season finale? Is Brandon going to get redemption on Redemption Island? Or will his faith be totally shattered when he ends up just another member of the jury? And is Brandon’s dad now stalking Coach?

“I understand you gotta do what God wants you to do, but I know he doesn’t want you to write my name down now.” — Brandon to Coach, shortly before Coach’s deciding vote sent Brandon to Redemption Island

Photo Credit: CBS

6 Responses to “Survivor – Working in mysterious ways”

December 14, 2011 at 10:37 PM

Well, at least it wasn’t boring or predictable. We’re looking, then, at a Coach-Rick-Sophie final three? If they stick together (depending on the F4 immunity winner), they can go as far as they want and go ahead and write Coach the check. If Ozzy wins out on immunity, though, he likely gets the million. Coach is playing to win and threw his loyalty out the window in this episode. Regardless of who returns from Redemption, Albert is now in a terrible position, because none of the three who voted against him would switch to his side in any circumstance I can foresee. (Coach would rather bring Rick and Sophie to the finals than Ozzy and Albert, that’s for sure.) I think it’s interesting that Ozzy is still a factor at this stage. Goes to show that they brought the right people back.

December 14, 2011 at 11:31 PM

I’d like to see Sophie win at this point. Too many of the fellas are presuming to know the will of God. It has been debated that St. Francis said. “Preach the gospel at all times and if/when necessary use words.” It does not matter to me if he said it or not, I love this statement. These people are manipulating each other in God’s name, and I hope Jeff will call them to account for their collective bologna.

December 15, 2011 at 12:09 AM

Listen, I am not a religious person at all. But I respect people’s faith. But I’m glad I’m not the only person who finds all of this talk of God speaking to them and telling them what to do as ridiculous and almost offensive. Not to mention more than a lot arrogant. To state that you know the will of God after a few minutes of prayer over what to do in a situation for monetary gain and 15 minutes of fame? Really?

I’m glad Brandon is at redemption. I wish there would be some blindside next week were Albert and Sophie get out Coach. I doubt it, but who knows. I would like Sophie to win, but I think that’s unlikely. It will probably be Coach. Albert as the dark horse. If it’s Ozzy, pfft. Let’s not even think about that.

December 15, 2011 at 1:09 PM

I wonder why you’re not calling out Coach more for his behavior.

I understand that Brandon is not the sharpest tool in the shed, desperately trying to find order in life and turning to God for guidance, basically parotting religious behavior to justify his behavior. I can’t really be angry at him because he’s just lost in the world.

The way Coach uses God is despicable. It’s the exact version of Religion I despise so much: people who know better using Religion for their own personal gain. And I bet Coach doesn’t even think he’s doing something wrong, deluding himself into thinking that all he did was just and right. In the name of God.

But in the end all he’s doing is following the rules of Survivor. I shouldn’t be mad at him, he’s just using all the tricks in the book to win. It’s just so darn ironic that this so perfectly resembles people who “play” Religion just like Survivor in real life.

December 17, 2011 at 7:49 AM

I know I’m in your face with this but sorry, this made me think about you :-)

Quote: “The statue? I guess you could call it a Christmas present. At this time of year it’s easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity — the lies, the corruption, the abuse.”

Oh how I love it that the pope was in the Hitlerjugend… makes me so proud to be a German.

December 17, 2011 at 11:25 AM

I’m guessing that was meant for me. Oh Sebastian, let me take this opportunity to tell you how much you are loved by Jesus. You were put here for a reason, and that you can ask sweet Jesus for help anytime, anyplace. Examine the words of Christ, they are without blame. Merry Christmas, and God Bless!

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