CliqueClack TV

Celebrity Wife Swap – Flavor Flav poses, fails

“Strap on your seatbelt … for real …” turned out to be prophetic for Favor Flav, not for Suzette Snider. on this episode of 'Celebrity Wife Swap.'

Part of the “fun” (if that’s what you want to call it) of sneaking a peek into the lives of celebrities is getting surprised by their various behaviors, whether good or bad or something in between. It’s a big, huge attraction of a reality television program such as Celebrity Wife Swap. That being said, this week’s airing didn’t disappoint.

If you’ve never seen Dee Snider on his own program Growing Up Twisted or other offerings, you might be surprised at the fact the man seems not only to be a laid back, calm soul but he’s genuinely accommodating and pleasant to be around. (Come on … he is a rock star with all the trappings and personality that go with the title, but this information about him could be completely unforeseen.) Of his counterpart, you would expect lots of swagger from someone like Flavor Flav, he of the innovative and genre defining hip-hop group like Public Enemy. The family man cooking his younger son breakfast seemed a little out of place, didn’t it?)

What was surprising in this switch was some of the supposed games Flav decided to play in the scheme of the show. As long as things were going his way and everything was hunky dory, it was smooth sailing. Once the switch to the “mom’s rules” took to task, he became stubborn and obtuse. We saw him denigrate into pouty childishness because he didn’t get his way. The entire good guy/slack guy switch that came before and after Suzette’s rule changes did nothing but prove Flav doesn’t play well with others. Especially if they rub him the wrong way.

And could two more polar opposite “wives” of music personalities (note: Liz is Flav’s fiancée) have been put in the same program? I mean … whoa. Suzette is completely hands on in every aspect of the Snider household while Liz is content to let her mother come in and shoulder some of the maternal duties while she crochets and peruses self-improvement books. Funky.

I wondered aloud last week if fireworks were in the cards this episode … and they were. They just waited for the final moments of the show to ignite. Suzette launched into a tirade during the spouse’s powwow. The claws really came out during that little outburst. The result of that outburst — I like to think — was the Flav’s discovery more family time was needed in his family circle.

His “strap on your seatbelt … for real …” comment earlier in the program turned the table right back at him.

Was this episode good stuff? Sure it was … much better than the Haggard/Busey offering. It wasn’t too over the top and it offered the “guilty pleasure” you would come to expect of Celebrity Wife Swap.



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4 Responses to “Celebrity Wife Swap – Flavor Flav poses, fails”

January 11, 2012 at 2:29 PM

I liked when Liz said she needed her mother to take the 4-year-old off of her hands because she needed a break! Uh, yeah, because waking up and getting out of bed is so draining that you need 6 hours of quiet time to recover so you can go back and do it all over again.

January 11, 2012 at 4:55 PM

. . . . .

You know, Chuck … I didn’t really want to get nit-picky in the post … but I don’t have a problem doing it here in the comments, so:

Liz? Those self-help books you’re reading? Start practicing … soon.

January 11, 2012 at 5:22 PM

HA! I was going to say the same thing!

January 21, 2012 at 10:16 AM

Another pathetic woman with a loser guy. I watched the show for the band, but thought I’d see if the rap star stereotype would hold true again. Yup, it did. A buffoon with a lazy ass baby’s mother with kids from all over the place. What a dumb broad to hang around with this jerk. Another prostitute. The thought of letting either of those two actually touch me grosses me out. Money can’t buy class as they say.

Then off to Dee Snider & his wife & kids. They made a lot of people proud.

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