CliqueClack TV

American Idol – The Idol Bug

After the cliffhanger with Symone Black falling off the stage in a dead faint last night, she was the talk of Idolators everywhere. What happened? How serious? Or are the dramatic 'American Idol' producers just playing with us again? Well, it turns out ...

- Season 11, Episode 9 - "Hollywood Round, Part Two"

That the Idol producers are just playing with us again. Don’t get me wrong. It was an awful event. In fact, it traumatized Michael so badly he couldn’t even bear to review the show tonight until he got over the whole thing. ( I hear he’s home with a washcloth on his head.) But within the first five minutes — after all of the previews of her falling and all the dramatic lead up and music and Nigel Lythgoe’s voice looping over and over that he needed a “medic?”

It turned out the poor gal was dehydrated and not eating enough. It could have been bad, if she had fallen differently. It could have been a tragic and horrible situation. But it wasn’t, and she’s fine. (Except her stage Daddy is a pain in the ass.)

Illness was everywhere with the contestants that made it through to the group rounds this week. Seems there was some kind of bug flying right on through these kids. I haven’t seen so much barfing since the year I taught second grade.

Basically? You could sum up the group rehearsals (as we saw no actual group performances tonight) in this way …

“Laaaaa la la laaaaa *retch retch.*”

I know. That sounds simplistic. But those of you who saw the show, I’m sure are agreeing. And if you missed it? Well, trust me. That was a fairly good synopsis.

As most of the episode was focused on the “hairyness” of the contenders trying to find and fit into their groups, we didn’t get to really know that many people. The group I’m most interested in is “MIT.” You know, the one consisting of Phil, Heejun, some silent member Guy and of course “Cowboy.”

I gotta say. That Heejun guy kills me. While the camera cuts away to Cowboy (Real name Richie) Heejun just had the best and most snarky comments! Here’s some gems …

“That Cowboy kid is crazy.”

“Phil had a kidney stone and Cowboy had a ‘brain stone.’ ”

And my personal favorite: “Now I have a very very bad perspective towards cowboys. Even Dallas Cowboys.”

Heejun was hilarious as he kept the comments coming to the camera guys in the halls about his understandable worries concerning the cheesiness of Cowboy’s direction and choreography of “MIT’s.” He’s convinced they’re all toast. We’ll see.

I myself kept wondering why Heejun just didn’t step up and take control over the situation and rally the other members to get the control away from the Cowboy guy. But? It did make more entertaining television that he didn’t.

Can’t wait ’til next Wednesday, when we’re promised more fainting and drama. Geez. It looks like tons of contestants just drop like cluster flies. Did anyone think to feed these kids or turn on the air conditioning?



Photo Credit: Fox

4 Responses to “American Idol – The Idol Bug”

February 10, 2012 at 8:53 AM

. . . . .

So …

She didn’t die.

She didn’t suffer a concussion.

She didn’t break a limb in the fall.

No internal injuries.

Not even a trickle of blood.

The reason? Symone Black was neglectful of signs her body needed nourishment and hydration.

Did I miss anything? What’s the lesson here, folks?

February 10, 2012 at 4:11 PM

Lesson? Idol teaches us lessons??

February 10, 2012 at 2:39 PM

Well, Michael, as Tara put very well, we didn’t see any group performances, so who knows what the lesson is? J-Lo, this is definitely where I would have expected to see your oh-so obvious sensitivity to others’ pain raising the roof about the disaster called Group Night!!

Or, could we call it Pressure Night? Sleep Deprivation Night? Paying Dues Night? AI Producers’ take on Drama Night? Of course, they couldn’t have known there would also have been a virus moving through the crowd. No, of course not. Who could have imagined that bringing 300+ 16-28 year olds from around the country through the closed environment of recycled airplane air in the midst of the flu season might produce a Typhoid Mary?

Or, if the truth be known [as it never can be on a reality show], should we say “Typhoid Symone”? Maybe Patient Zero was not the gal from the tent, but a sixteen year old with a crazy stage daddy who got up from her sick bed at home to stand on the Idol stage … demonstrating no symptoms of the germs she carried other than dehydration and faintness.

If Heejun manages to get through the Group Performance, do you think we might see him sing “Mothers, Don’t Let Your Sons Grow Up To Be Cowboys!”?

February 10, 2012 at 4:23 PM

Nyela, did you notice the girl who hugged her groupmate guy when he returned from barfing for hours on end?
I said out loud “She’s next!”
Kids! *throws up hands*

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