CliqueClack TV

Survivor – As the world turns

A storm blows across the island, bringing with it rain, freezing temperatures and the winds of change.

- Season 24, Episode 3 - "One World Is Out the Window"

Tribes prepare to play reward challenge

What a difference a couple of days can make. That’s certainly one of the good things about Survivor … you think you can see the writing on the wall for one person or one tribe, and all of that can change in the blink of an eye. But before we get to the real interesting part of the game, let’s chat about the Salani tribe for a second, shall we?

Yes, there was a huge storm that blew across the island this week, leaving the women drenched and freezing without the benefit of a tarp. Lucky for them, the Manono tribe is just a few feet away with their tarp and their fire. So what do the women do? That’s right, they keep imposing themselves on the men to keep warm and dry out, and not only that but they ask for another fire handout as well. I know the conditions are miserable, but they’re not life threatening. No one is going to die, and if things got really bad, I’m sure the producers would evac everyone to safety. After the women — surprise! — won the reward challenge of fishing gear and a canoe, they still went to the men for help with their fire. I don’t think the men were entirely unreasonable to ask for the use of the canoe in return. Alicia’s response was basically “no” and says the men are being unreasonable! I get that this is a game, but at this point I have to side with the men and truly separate the tribes. The really do need that “No Girls Allowed” sign for their clubhouse now!

But once the sun came out, the women proved themselves surprisingly adept at canoeing and fishing, catching three small fish with their spear (and from what we saw, they didn’t let the men use the canoe at all). The women were impressive at the reward challenge, completely smoking the men in a memory game, but the immunity challenge was another animal altogether. They trotted out the old blindfolded tribe members with a caller directing them to puzzle pieces on a course, and the men, led by Bill, made it easily through the course. Sabrina could not direct her tribe, and half the time it seemed that they were finding the puzzle pieces by accident. The men had an amazing lead as Bill had started the puzzle long before the women had all of their pieces, but once they did, Sabrina flew through it, catching up to and quickly surpassing Bill for the win! It really seemed that communication was going to do them in, but Sabrina really became the MVP by solving that puzzle more quickly than Bill.

Now, last week I suggested Colton was going to become this season’s super villain, and one of my loyal readers questioned my judgment … but I think I was kind of vindicated tonight. Colton really seems to have terrible social skills and actual game play, but the fact that Sabrina gave him that hidden immunity idol and the power that comes with it, has changed the “I want to start my own tribe” Colton into the “I am the man in charge” Colton. His alliance of five were quickly willing to vote out whomever he decided, and after the loss at immunity, he wanted Bill gone and everyone was fine with that. I think we saw one of the most interesting flips in the history of the show tonight as Jay actually realized that he was part of a losing alliance with Matt, Mike and Bill, and quickly joined Colton’s five. And no one even questioned him. My thought would have been that he was spying for the others, but when Matt tried to impose himself into the meeting and was quickly shown the door, it was pretty clear who was now in charge of Manono and who was going home. Matt was voted out, and I think it was the best decision they could have made because even though he obviously had the muscle, he was too arrogant to keep around. The longer he stayed, the stronger he would have become. And unless someone flips, Mike and Bill are now going to be fighting for their lives … but can Colton’s “misfit tribe” actually win physical challenges?

And then there is the problem of Tarzan. He seems to have the potential to be a loose cannon who just can’t keep his mouth shut (although why Colton revealed at Tribal that he did have an idol is beyond me … but at least he didn’t use it as he claimed he would). At the little group meeting, Tarzan pretty much told Matt they were talking about him, and then at Tribal he decided to fight Colton’s battle by suggesting his friendship with the women would help them in the long run (even Jeff gave Colton a hard time about spending time with the women). He got a little perplexed when the question of “help who?” came up, and then he hilariously asked Jeff if they could see the last two votes after Matt was sent packing. Jeff flatly said no. If Tarzan isn’t careful, the King of the Jungle is going to find himself on a one-way flight back to wherever he came from.

And one last thing … was Bill stoned at Tribal?

    “I am a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I do not believe in handouts.” — Colton, who gratefully accepted the hidden immunity idol that Sabrina found, after the women kept coming to their camp for fire.
Photo Credit: CBS

6 Responses to “Survivor – As the world turns”

February 29, 2012 at 11:03 PM

The girls continue to be embarrassing. The guys were not at all out of line to ask to use the canoe when the girls weren’t using it.

I’m not quite on board with the Colton supervillian analysis. He’s a cocky dude that cleverly used his lucking into an immunity idol as a catalyst for changing the dynamic in the men’s tribe before it even began. And he was smart enough to listen to Tarzan’s suggestion to get rid of Matt first even though he was all about getting out Bill. So as cocky as he is right now, he’s not coming across as evil dictator.

And I don’t find it weird that he said he had the idol. His alliance already knew. They had the numbers. It’s more than likely that the other guys would find out shortly anyway, and it wouldn’t make any difference. And come merge time, he’s got to assume that the girls will know anyway. So there’s no advantage to hiding it.

I think the misfit men will have enough physical stamina to beat the women when it’s purely physical. And they’re going to get rid of the Abrocromie boys that would just shut them out in physical individual immunity challenges (like Hollywood).

The lack of previous contestants has so made this an interesting strategy game so far.

March 1, 2012 at 2:16 AM

Like I told Sebastian last week, I’m just basing my assumption about Colton on what Jeff Probst has said in some interviews. But I think we’ve already seen the power shoot completely to his head. As for the idol, I’m all for telling his alliance because that gets them on board to vote out who they want out. Keeping the others in the dark seems to be a better strategy because they’ll vote for him, at least once, not knowing he has the idol, then be blindsided by his alliance’s votes. I’d ask Jay to play both sides, let the frat guys think they have the numbers, then take them out. Unless someone in Colton’s alliance gets really screwy (I’m lookin’ at you, Tarzan)and throws off the numbers, he’s pretty much safe. The women know he has the idol. I do believe Sabrina told them, or some of them anyway, but why aren’t they all looking for their own idol? The guys certainly have no reason to look for one. It may have been more fun to let the other guys not know about the idol so they did go looking for it and find the Salani idol!

I do agree that not having past contestants on the show makes it much more interesting.

March 1, 2012 at 12:27 PM

First off: like the “ABC” button there. Where’s the accompanying “Style Guide” button? *snicker*

Seriously though, that one and the blow up button – awesomesauce. Well done Keith (I assume).

Anyway, about the episode: Too many good looking people behaving entitled. Loved the gay guy bashing the black guy. Talk about being a total douche.

The line of questioning by Probst was ridiculous. The guy he talks to has an idol because he fraternized with the women and then he talks about how Colton shouldn’t yadda yadda.

I mean seriously.


Man do I miss seasons that were oh so much better, like China. Only idiots on this season.

March 1, 2012 at 12:47 PM

I have some choice things to say about Colton but I’ll keep them to myself. This doesn’t need to be a political forum! ;-)

March 1, 2012 at 1:10 PM

I just talked to my brother about this episode and he said “You don’t like him because he’s so douchey” and I said “No I don’t like him because he acts like an entitled asshole like the whole rest of the cast”.

I mean honestly, the people on this season must be coasting on their good looks in their real life so much that that idiocy of “coming over and getting some fire” and “coming over and getting some shelter” and then NOT handing over the canoe must come natural to these women.

And the worst thing? If it were the other way round the guys would do the same. I can’t connect with ANY of these people. I’m still favoring the idea of the casting director on the show just having gone to the next strip club to cast the girls off the poles and the guys from behind the bar but my brother keeps telling me that they just went to the beach in LA and picked random people sunbathing.

This season could’ve easily been titled “Entitled douchebags vs. Idiots” with the surprises being who the casting people thought were douches and who were idiots and the cast arguing why they think they are in the wrong tribe between the challenges.

Seriously. SEVEN tries to get those items right. SEVEN.

March 1, 2012 at 3:40 PM

I thought Colton hanging with the women wasn’t a big deal and Probst turned it into a bigger deal and the other men on the tribe read way too much into it. The guy is gay with very feminine tendencies. If you were gay with those tendencies would you hang with guys talking about hot chicks, cars, and the football or hang with women who talk about their feelings, clothes, and moisturizers? I think that Colton was hanging with the women mostly because he has way more in common with them than he does the men – it satisfied a social need. If it served another purpose that is a bonus but ultimately I don’t think he had other motives until they were pointed out to him.

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