CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Cancer isn’t delicious

'Supernatural' comes back from a brief break and takes on themes of 'Black Swan' and 'Warehouse 13', while we learn a new interesting tidbit of what the leviathans have up their sleeves.

- Season 7, Episode 16 - "Out with the Old"

If the participation in my CliqueCaptions wasn’t so bad, I would have loved to use the picture above for next week’s entry. Alas, I think I’ve given it up. But don’t let that stop you from leaving a comment below for this one — it’s a doozy.

The first thing that occurred to me when this episode opened — besides Black Swan, that is — is Warehouse 13. Was anyone else reminded of the volatile artifacts of the warehouse, the purple (in this case yellow) gloves to handle the objects? Frank is certainly no Artie — and, let’s face it, he is (was?) a poor replacement for Bobby — but the formula was all there.

The biggest talking point in this episode is clearly the question of why Dick Roman and his band of leviathans want to cure cancer. I have a few theories, though I’m not exactly sure they’re exciting ones. For one, if Dick Roman were to find a cure for cancer, he’d earn sainthood in the eyes of all the humans of the world. That could mean a quick rise to a high seat of power in our country’s government, or at least a heck of a lot of more money. Imagine Dick Roman as, say, President of the United States — how the heck would the Winchesters be able to not only justify his death to the world, but get close enough to carry it out? I don’t particularly like this path for the show, but I thought it an interesting thing to ponder.

Then, of course, there’s the thought that the cancer drug they eventually develop will turn out to be in vaccine form, with a little magic ingredient added to make the people of the world do the leviathans’ bidding — i.e., become their food. But, if being food is really what the leviathans desire most out of people, could it just be that they want to administer something to make more food for them, since cancer kills people off? Or could we find out that cancer, when cured, means for a huge overpopulation of the planet, as well as helping feed these monsters in the process?

Though I always love to see the forever “imaginary man” Mark Pellegrino (I mean, seriously, he’s a ghost or imaginary person in, what, three shows?), I’m thankful that we can still see Sam’s torment without having to experience it ourselves. In a way it shows how strong Sam actually is in ignoring him throughout all of this, without coming right out and snapping at him in front of Dean.

For once in this season, I’m looking forward to the next episode. What a sad admission to make for a show I’ve loved for so many years, but I don’t believe I’m alone. To see things pick up quite a few notches — and soon — will be a blessing, and the show desperately needs it.

Photo Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW

5 Responses to “Supernatural – Cancer isn’t delicious”

March 17, 2012 at 5:25 AM

I wonder how many shows can Mark Pellegrino guest star on at the same time before the credibility of the characters are questioned.

March 18, 2012 at 1:27 AM

I too am looking forward to the next episode. I’ve enjoyed some of this season’s eps, but a lot of them have been misses and the Leviathans definitely lack something as villains. Also I feel it was a real mistep for them to get rid of both Castiel and Bobby. They should have kept one of them at least. With it just being the Sam and Dean show again we’re kind of back in the same old rut where Sam hides things and keeps secrets from Dean every week, and every week Dean grows ever more angry and distrustful of Sam while simultaneously crying about how he’s the universe’s chew toy. These things are part of their characters but only bearable when you have another regular character in there to provide some variety and bleed off some of the tension. Otherwise it’s just monotonous. They should bring back Cas or Bobby for good. My vote is for Cas, but either would do. Although it might be less realistic to bring back Bobby, since his death was so conclusive.

March 18, 2012 at 3:35 PM

Humans are like potatoes 4 them..
You say human I say potatoe…

March 19, 2012 at 12:54 PM

cure for cancer? plz, more like making sure ure food source doesnt die out. also dean is a black swan fan…. oh dean u crazy luvable boytard. hope franks alright cuz i luv the guy. can dogs play poker? yes! next week cass is coming back. OMG I CANT BELIEVE MY EYEBALLS. didnt he die? (moment of silece for the trentcoat plz) i love misha collins as cass and only cass the clueless angel
(i did like him as himself in alternate universe land and kinda as his vessel jimmy novak and as god and big bad leviathan boss)
nevermind any form of misha is cool jus bring him back plzzzzz!
follow misha as a mishaminion at twitter
bow down to the master and his plan for world domination
*insert evil leviathan laugh*

March 31, 2012 at 6:23 AM

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