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Game of Thrones – A vicious idiot, a little bird, a sharp little thing, and no ordinary woman

My Maiden Voyage Through Westeros — Are you new to the ‘Game of Thrones’ world? Each week, I will review it from the perspective of someone who has not read the series. You won’t find spoilers from the book here, just a review of the show itself.

- Season 2, Episode 6 - "The Old Gods and the New"

Betrayal is nothing new in Westeros and this war is causing loyalties to be constantly tested. In “The Old Gods and the New,” we saw just how far people are willing to go to win the Game of Thrones.

King’s Landing

King Joffrey is losing control. The people are rioting in the streets of King’s Landing and that will not be good for him when Stannis, Robb, or some other force arrives to fight him. If the people side against him, he has no chance of retaining the crown.

How awesome was Tyrion’s verbal bitch slap of Joffrey? Vicious — yes! Idiot — double yes! And, the actual smack — way to go, Tyrion! I didn’t think anything could top a cowpie to the face, but Tyrion made it happen.

The riot was one of the most deplorable events we have witnessed so far. If the crowd could rip a person apart, what else could they do? How about rape a future princess? The attack of Sansa and Joffrey’s sadistic treatment of the prostitutes have been the most difficult scenes to watch on the show. The realism and suffering of both was dreadful to witness. Sophie Turner (Sansa) gave a beautiful performance for such a horrendous act.

Thank the Gods, Old and New, that the Hound was there to save Sansa. He told Tyrion he didn’t do it for him and it certainly wasn’t for Joffrey. Will he ultimately be the little bird’s protector and savior?


Theon wants the respect of his father, but his actions are going to cost him more than his father ever gave him. The elder Greyjoy has been nothing but awful to his son and taking Winterfell isn’t going to change that. In the end, it is Theon who will suffer the most. Likely Balon will further reject his son for being disobedient and not send any help to Winterfell.

Bran showed his strength by yielding to Theon. The castle was not worth the sacrifice of its people. Unfortunately, Theon’s pride took over and he made the mistake of killing Rodrik. It’s a choice that should haunt him and will end up costing Theon his life.

Even though the Starks captured Osha, she showed her loyalty to the boys by giving herself to Theon in order to save them. The journey of Hodar, Osha, Bran, Rickon and the direwolves is sure to be a challenge. Will Bran’s dreams be able to guide them? Is it possible they will find Nymeria? (Yes, I’m hung up on what happened to Nymeria.)


Tywin’s growing relationship with Arya is a stark contrast to what we saw between him and his sons. Is it because she is a girl? Or, perhaps because she isn’t his blood? Arya is a smart girl and has played the situation well, but the arrival of Littlefinger is not in her favor. It was quick thinking on her part to ask for the second death to protect her treason. Could Littlefinger be death number three?

Every week, Baelish is in a new location playing a new angle. The game would not be the same without the conniving man, but when will all his manipulations catch up with him? I worry for Arya now that he has found her. How will he play this to his favor? He could reveal her to the Tywin and turn her into a Lannister hostage, but that seems to simple for him. Rather, what if he used her to gain favor with Cat, his love?


Oh, Dany. She just can’t catch a break, can she? The decision to enter Qarth saved her and what remained of her khalasar, but at what cost? No one in Qarth is willing to give her a ship for a price she is willing to pay. Her quest has barely started and it is going nowhere fast.

And, now her people have been killed and her dragons stolen. What does she have left? She will need the dragons to have any chance of returning home. Who do you think has stole them?

This season is moving along too quickly and very slowly at the same time. There are only four episodes left, yet the war has barely started. One king is dead. We can only hope that another king, Joffrey, will be next to die.

Odds and Ends

  • “Theon, did you hate us the whole time?” — Bran
  • “You’re all right little bird. You’re all right.” — The Hound
  • “What killed him?” — Tywin
    “Loyalty.” — Arya
    “You’re a sharp little thing, aren’t you?” — Tywin
  • “I’m no ordinary woman. My dreams come true.” — Dany
  • Tyrion’s plan to send Myrcella away actually happened. I wasn’t sure if it was just a plot to upset Cersei or if he would follow through. It was difficult to believe that Cersei cared that much about her daughter, but maybe she does have a heart in her.
  • Tyrion better keep Shae well hidden. She is the perfect target for Cersei to get her revenge.
  • The whole Jon Snow thing with the girl was rather pointless. He couldn’t kill her and instead of just letting her run away, he chases her? To what end? And, the hip moving when they were laying down was creepy.
  • Robb is falling for Lady Talisa. They are adorable together, which a nice reprieve from all the nastiness of the show. But, he is promised to another, so no matter what happens, it can’t end well.
  • While Robb’s heart told him to go back to Winterfell, it’s a good thing his advisers recommended he stay and continue is fight against the Lannisters. Given Theon’s small force, he should be easily taken out by the forces Robb is sending.

Photo Credit: HBO

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