CliqueClack TV

Suburgatory – Plot diversion as the season winds down

'Suburgatory' is focusing too much on guest star Alicia Silverstone in the run up to its finale, when the core characters' relationships should be the focus.

Alicia Silverstone‘s arc on the last few episodes of Suburgatory has been very hit-or-miss for me. On the one hand, I enjoy her easy chemistry with Jeremy Sisto, leftover from their Clueless days. On the other hand, I feel like the Eden pregnancy storyline has been shoehorned into the end of the season when all we really want to see is the relationships with pre-existing characters evolve without the aid of some kind of outside catalyst. Maybe I’m over-thinking this, since the episodes have still been enjoyable, but she feels like an interloper to me as well as to some of the characters, and it bugs a bit. It was all kind of rushed in order to get Silverstone and Sisto on screen together for however long she was available.

That being said, I appreciate that we see more of Noah now, even if he’s being super weird about the pregnancy. Even laid-back Eden is sick of his antics. I wish they’d found a more organic way to give him a storyline with George, though. And I suppose it will still tie into the mystery of why Sheila is so upset about the situation, and Lisa’s possible adoption.

Anyway, while I am not a shipper, per se, it was nice to see George and Dallas bonding more, with his semi-self-aware reference to how they are like Mulder and Scully. Seeing Dallas starting to watch The X-Files, yelling, “Kiss her, Mulder, kiss her!” at the screen was amusing. Does the show plan to drag the George/Dallas will-they-or-won’t-they out just as long? I hope not — that kind of storyline is played out.

Notes and Quotes:

  • Couples therapy with “Malisa” was very cute, with Malik promising to make Lisa a macrame bikini and Mr. Wolfe’s pun-run: “Knot up Malik, and find your weave. Sorry if that sounds racist … beweave in yourself.”
  • There were a few other plays on language tonight, which I really appreciated. For instance, take Dallas’ tongue-twister about the kangaroo wreaking havoc: “The rude roo ruined my rooms. I rue the day I agreed to a kangaroo. He mangled my Ming and and he wiped his feet on my best Persian. Gardener, not rug.”
  • There was also George and Noah’s semantic discussion of what a donut hole really is. Noah: “A donut hole is the actual hole in the donut.” George: “Oh yeah, then how is it that I can buy a dozen of them, glazed or unglazed?” Noah: “What you have been purchasing, my friend, are donut balls. Deemed donut holes by morons — a hole is a negative space.” This was even weirder considering that “donut hole” first came up as a reference to Eden’s vagina.
  • Sheila and Noah’s “Who’s his daddy?”-off was priceless. I now decree that those characters need more scenes together.
  • Dalia, trying to get Dallas to agree to keeping the kangaroo in the house: “Can’t we just lock up the silver like we do when the service people are here and make Carmen wear a medieval suit of armor?” — Dalia
  • “No one who still gets their period is ever talking about Nancy Meyers.” — Lisa
  • “I just want the baby to know who am, and which cat I dressed up as to the prom: Rum Tug Tugger.” –Noah


Photo Credit: ABC

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