CliqueClack TV

Lost Girl – Bo breaks a curse

This week on 'Lost Girl', Bo has a birthday, but instead of just receiving presents, she gives up a lot to make sure Lauren can be with Nadia. Self-sacrifice seems like a theme this season -- how much will Bo have to give up before it's all over?

- Season 2, Episode 12 - "Masks"

This week’s Lost Girl is really full of headline news, as Kenzi puts it. Nadia wakes up, Ciara buys a house for her and Dyson, and Kenzi reunites with her childhood crush. Of course, the first of these is the biggest news, and comes about because Bo travels to Africa to get the shaman to remove the cursing nail … and then to another part of Africa to get a healing mask for the shaman. I was wondering how the show would portray those places on its budget, and the answer is that it really didn’t — just need a “fae travel agent” to sprinkle some faery dust, plus a couple of dark sets.

It seems (along with Dyson’s sacrifice of his love for Bo) that a lot of fae magic is based on the sacrifice of oneself in some way. For Bo, this mission is a double sacrifice: she loses Lauren and also can never take credit for it. Lauren makes a sacrifice too: in thankfulness, she re-ups her lifelong contract with Lachlan. This tendency to sacrifice, coupled with the Nain Rouge about the future, make me wonder if Bo will have to sacrifice her life at some point to stop the coming Fae-pocalypse.

The rest of “Masks” seemed like a throw-away story about Kenzi throwing Bo a birthday party, but the event does serve to show how alone in the world Bo feels, especially now that everyone is paired up. Self-sacrifice is a lonely, lonely thing, but she doesn’t even stop for a moment and wonder if she’d rather keep Nadia in the coma. I guess her prying out of the nails with her super-even-for-fae strength is meant to show us that her human upbringing has made her inherently more selfless than other fae, who have to be forced into self sacrifice in order to get stuff they want. Unfortunately for her, this loneliness and tendency to give things up probably put her in the perfect frame of mind to give herself up to save the world.

Notes and Quotes:

  • Oh hi, Aaron Ashmore! I wouldn’t expect Kenzi to fall for such a generic guitar-playing white guy, but the power of a childhood crush can’t be overestimated. Or he’s been sent by some evil fae to distract Kenzi at a time when they want Bo to be more isolated. Or I am over thinking, and maybe the writers just want Bo more isolated. Since Aaron Ashmore is playing Nate, I am guessing he will stick around for a bit.
  • Speaking of love interests, we get no sense yet of what Nadia is like, except that she’s very, very pretty. Meanwhile, Dyson seems increasingly ambivalent about Ciara, and I still don’t think his love for Bo was completely wiped.
  • Trick’s sudden gifts of his wife’s stuff to Bo make me very thoughtful.
  • The mysterious man with the bracelet for Bo is intriguing, but there is not much to speculate about yet. She will probably need it to save the world…. or it’s a trap. Too soon to tell.
  • Kenzi: “No one’s ever really used ‘festive’ to describe our family gatherings. More like ‘noxious,’ ‘semi-psychotic,’ ‘deviant,’ but never ‘festive.'”
  • Peggy: “I’m the only fae travel agent in this area sanctioned by The Ash!
  • Trick, describing the different kinds of pretas: “Others still have overwhelming sexual urges, but–”
    Bo: “Fae ED, I get the picture.”
  • Hale, when Kenzi finds a worm in Bo’s cake: “I should’ve known an organic fae bakery would use worms. Probably got ladybugs in there too.”
  • Bo: “A girl can never have enough sharp, pointy objects.” I love how everyone gives Bo weapons.


Photo Credit: Showcase

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