CliqueClack TV

An Nicholson

Twitter: anicho01
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Bio: An is now ABD in Cultural Studies and English Literature. Check her out on Google Plus

Posts by An Nicholson

Sanctuary – Magnus is Xena, the Warrior Woman

A great episode featuring Magnus kicking Jekyll and Hyde’s ass.

Charlie Brown: Realistic little boy or abysmal loser?

What do you think about Charlie Brown, REALLY? The CliqueClack gang sound off behind the scenes.

Hawaii 5-0 back on top. In your face, Castle!

This week we meet Danno’s wife. And, I gloat over ‘Hawaii 5-0’s top place in the ratings.

Do we over-identify with TV actors?

Do we overtly connect with our favorite actors, TV characters, and/or TV personalities? And, if so, why? Is it because of technology or something else? And, what happens when we do?

Sanctuary – Why isn’t Magnus getting laid?

We get an awesome Henry-centric werewolf episode. But, with a Tesla-Magnus bedroom scene, I have to ask: Why isn’t anyone “tapping” Amanda Tapping’s character?

Sanctuary – The Spider-Man symbiote returns

Although a filler episode aimed at Kate fanboys everywhere, this week’s ‘Sanctuary’ featured a brainwashed Kate inhabiting the parasitic super-suit.

Hawaii 5-0: Do not go into the bedroom

OK, guys, if I said it once, I’ll say it again: if you’re in town for illicit activities, and Megan Fox’s double hits on you, DO NOT go upstairs. Repeat. DO NOT.

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