CliqueClack TV

Aryeh S.

Bio: While CliqueClack is my first foray into the blogosphere, it’s just one stop along my long journey in writing. With my first book of short stories bounded via copy machine when I was still a lad, my evolution along the trajectory of writing has far exceeded that of my drawing; that first book was fronted by a rather pedestrian hand drawing of “Leatherhead”, of TMNT fame, and my ability hasn’t grown beyond rudimentary since those days. But the baby’s cute!

Posts by Aryeh S.

White Collar – Life outside the van

Last night’s episode of ‘White Collar’ could have been about the return of bust Lauren Cruz, and it still wouldn’t have brought me down from my high — Neal and Sara are no more (don’t jinx it)! Let the celebration begin!

Weeds – Nancy chose well

Everyone but Andy seems to be doing something with their life. Will Andy’s latest failed relationship drive him to finally search for his soul mate or some professional satisfaction? Maybe he could start by finding a date who doesn’t enjoy sex with a third party in the bed.

What’s this show called … Rookie Blue?

Each week I review a show that’s new to me. Good idea, or punishment (mine or yours)? You be the judge. But either way, if I had to watch it, the least you can do is read what I have to say….

Entourage – Everyone’s starting anew

I wonder where Lloyd will be when the show rolls credits for the final time. Is there a chance that, after more than seventy episodes of being worked like a dog by Ari, he’ll have the opportunity for professional revenge? Now wouldn’t that be sweet….

The Emmys – Do they know drama?

I can’t claim firsthand knowledge about them all, but many of the nominees in this year’s Emmy drama categories star on shows that I watch. Did any of them turn in Emmy-worthy performances? Did your favorites?

White Collar – Mozzie gets the girl

It’s interesting that it took so long for Mozzie to land a lady friend. I wonder if he took the creative team as much by surprise as he did us. Was he not supposed to be as big a character as he’s become? Because then we should be thankful that his brilliance was evident to all!

Weeds – Nancy should remember that her new room has no walls

I know it was in poor taste, but I loved the scene at the end of the episode when Nancy’s Afghan weed supply got interrupted. The suicide bomb as payback for cheating … is that a concept actively in use?

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