CliqueClack TV

Jackie Schnoop

Twitter: JackiesTVBlog

Posts by Jackie Schnoop

Reality Clack – October 20, 2008

Yessirree, Bob, your Main Clack is back with all the news that’s fit to type on those wild and wacky reality shows. Oh, geez. Sometimes I make myself ill when I wax all poetic and all that stuff. And … who’s Bob? Are we talking Sassone or Degon here or just your plain old Bob […]

TV shows off the beaten path – The Bonnie Hunt Show

Okay, I’ll admit I’m coming into this one with a bit of bias. You see, I’ve been a Bonnie Hunt fan for a long, long time now. I’ve enjoyed her guest appearances on talk shows, The Late Show with David Letterman in particular. I even liked her sitcoms some years back. There’s just something about […]

The Big Bang Theory – The Griffin Equivalency

(Season 2, Episode 4) “Baby wipe?” – Sheldon to Penny I can’t help but wonder why Sheldon doesn’t use those anti-bacterial flu-fighting miracle germ zapping wipes on the market instead of regular baby wipes. But I don’t want to ask him. I already know all about the evil hot air hand dryer. I’m not sure […]

Reality Clack – October 13, 2008

It’s been another week of winners and losers in the reality games. And, I’m here to clack about the events! I don’t want any flack about my clack from those who don’t like the genre. After all, it’s right there in the title. See it up there? Reality. Thankfully, it’s not a reality in which […]

TV shows off the beaten path – The First 48

It used to be that A&E was all about arts and entertainment. They’ve sure changed that all around in the past few years. But I find myself getting hooked on some of their programming these days, perhaps more hooked than I was before with shows on this cable network. It’s no secret that I like […]

The Big Bang Theory – The Barbarian Sublimation

(Season 2, Episode 3) Okay, I have to admit I had to look up “sublimation.” Did you know it’s when a solid changes to gas with no liquid stage in between? Now, I feel really dumb if that’s common knowledge. Last week we saw the aftermath of the Penny and Leonard date. This week we […]

Reality Clack – October 6, 2008

Yes, it’s that time again! It’s time to check in with what’s been happening on some of the reality television shows out and about in the world. Oh, I know some folks pooh-pooh the genre. Well, no one’s making you watch the shows or even read this entry. But I hope you’ll read on past […]

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