CliqueClack TV

Bob Degon

Google Profile
Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

FlashForward – Striking a nice balance between mystery, intrigue and character drama

We’re two episodes into FlashForward and I’m still on board. After the big budget pilot episode last week, there were some concerns that the quality of the show would drop off, but I certainly didn’t see any degradation of quality. Certainly the second episode was a little slower, but there was quite a bit of […]

Heroes – A little direction would be nice

We’re now three hours in to the final fourth season of Heroes, and the plot still seems in the very early formation stages. Another new character was introduced in this episode and we got to spend some more time with Samuel Sullivan, the ink man. Unfortunately, I have no idea what purpose either are serving. […]

Sex and the women of Mad Men

Sex. It was everywhere in this week’s stand out installment of Mad Men. For once, however, it seemed to not be focusing on Don (save for the awkward conversation with Sally’s teacher). Instead, it was the women of Mad Men, particularly Peggy and Betty, who were doing the deed, or at least thinking about it, […]

My Favorite Lost Moments – Eko, Meet the Smoke Monster

Last week I began talking about some of my favorite moments of Lost with a piece on the first big reveal of the show: Locke being in a wheelchair. This week, I turn my attention to the second season of the show, specifically the Eko-centric episode “The 23rd Psalm.” Since the pilot episode, viewers knew […]

Saturday Night Live – Megan Fox / U2

Saturday Night Live is officially back for season number 35! The season opened with Megan Fox hosting the show. I think she did a pretty decent job, but it certainly seemed like she wasn’t given that much material. I mean, in half the sketches she pretty much just played a random “hot girl,” and in […]

FlashForward – It’s never too early to throw out some theories

I don’t know about you, but the first hour of FlashForward flew by. That’s a good sign. I could tell from the previews that this was most likely going to be my type of show. There are a lot of comparisons to Lost being thrown around the zeitgeist, and knowing my passion for Lost, you […]

Is Damages bringing the funny for season 3?

Damages begins filming its third season tomorrow, and to celebrate the occasion, FX sent out a very curious press release. Two actors have joined as series regulars for the new season. The first, Campbell Scott, we had heard about a couple weeks ago. I think he’s a perfect fit for the show and will fill […]

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