CliqueClack TV

Jen Creer


Posts by Jen Creer

Diary of a Big Bang Theory Virgin: Nectar of the godless

I had never even seen a commercial for it, and I had only a vague idea of the premise: Pretty, ditzy blonde girl moves in next door to geeks. On paper, I think it sounds terrible.

Twitter: Who are you following?

I am an unabashed celebrity whore. I can’t help it. So, Twitter is like being able to overhear conversations between casts and directors, costars, writers and fans. Who are YOU following on Twitter?

House and Cuddy: Will Huddy follow the path of Sam and Diane?

Everybody knows the names Sam Malone and Diane Chambers and Lisa Cuddy and Gregory House. Now that House is a Huddy, is House doomed to repeat Cheers’ history?

House episode based on Dooce? Patient blogs EVERYTHING

Even if the writers of this week’s episode of ‘House’ haven’t heard of Dooce — Heather Hamilton Armstrong, the blond blogger who discloses everything — they encapsulated personal blogging very well this week.

House – The game is a foot

The title of this week’s episode, “Moving the Chains” reminded me of the ends of Dylan Thomas’s famous poem “Fern Hill.” The last lines of the poem are: “Time held me green and dying/Though I sang in my chains like the sea.” The reason why this episode reminds me of the poem is more complicated […]

Big Love – It’s never unraveled quite like this before

I can’t believe this week’s episode was only an hour long. Things that have been coming to a head for months — not just this season — suddenly exploded all at once this week. I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck by the time it was over. If you thought things […]

Big Love gambles on casinos, home shopping, Christian rock, and bacon

One of my favorite moments from “Free at Last,” the opener for Season 4 of HBO’s Big Love is when Nikki and Bill are driving all the way from the casino to the compound and Nikki offers to make Bill some fry sauce. I literally laughed out loud. Fry sauce, for those of you who […]

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