CliqueClack TV

Katie Schenkel

Twitter: JustPlainTweets
Google Profile
Bio: Katie lives in Indianapolis and has an English degree from Butler University. Her day job is as a copywriter for a website developer. She's also an admitted film and TV junkie who makes an average of 20 Arrested Development/Futurama/Simpsons quotes a day. She writes and runs the movie website

Posts by Katie Schenkel

Little Miss Sunny in Philadelphia

The gang takes on people far more disturbing than themselves … and Frank just can’t say anything right. Magic’s in the air!

Of course Abed loves Doctor Who – I mean, “Inspector Spacetime”

As if the very existence of the season 3 premiere wasn’t awesome enough, ‘Community’ steals my heart yet again with a huge homage to a certain beloved BBC show. And it totally works.

Always Sunny – The joys of rum ham and Charlie’s date with the Waitress

This week, I say how I really feel about Charlie. Plus, we mourn the loss of rum ham … and celebrate it’s miraculous resurrection.

Poll – Who is TV’s wackiest doctor?

Whether timey-wimey, lupus-assessing (it’s never lupus) or gross and crustacean, there sure are lots of kooky doctors on TV. And some of them even SAVE lives!

Doctor Who – Amy and Rory leave the Labyrinth

Before watching, I had no idea what the writers had in store for us with this episode. Looking back, it’s a fitting end to something special. And it’s not even the finale yet.

Always Sunny – Yes, Mac is really that fat

My favorite show about assholes in Pennsylvania is back, and Danny DeVito has a competitor in the funny fat man category this season!

Futurama – The ending of season is mighty for love of hilarity!

Another season of ‘Futurama’ over (but no cancellation this time!), and we end with a tongue-in-cheek romp through a trio of parodies.

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