CliqueClack TV

Katie Schenkel

Twitter: JustPlainTweets
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Bio: Katie lives in Indianapolis and has an English degree from Butler University. Her day job is as a copywriter for a website developer. She's also an admitted film and TV junkie who makes an average of 20 Arrested Development/Futurama/Simpsons quotes a day. She writes and runs the movie website

Posts by Katie Schenkel

Doctor Who – A child’s bedroom is the scariest place in the universe

No River Song this week, but we did get scary dolls and creepy lullabies sung by British children. Basically, pure nightmare fuel.

Futurama – The answer to love, the universe and everything

With only a silly non-canonical episode left in the season, ‘Futurama’ ends the normal season with something really special and sweet. And when ‘Futurama’ does sweet, you have to watch. It’s Space Pope law.

The totally sweet story of Hank Venture’s Shallow Gravy – CartoonClack

Thanks to a eleven minute special, we’ve been given a tiny taste of what’s to come for ‘The Venture Bros.’, and I’m hungry for more. Well played, Astro Base GO!

Diary of a True Blood virgin – A wedding/human sacrifice combo

‘True Blood’ season two comes to a close with some super crazy moments involving mud, naked people and an ox. Hedonism bot would love it.

Futurama – Zoidberg + Farnsworth = friends forever

Ever wonder why Zoidberg hasn’t been fired (besides his adorableness)? We got to find out last night with this trip down memory lane for the Doctor and Professor.

Diary of a True Blood Virgin – GODRIC, NOOOOO!

You maniacs! You blew him up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell! … I’m talking to the writers, of course.

Futurama – Mr. Peppy, the vegetarian bone vampire

This week’s episode of ‘Futurama’ is just like ‘My Dog Skip’. Well, if Skip killed sheep by sucking out their bones, but besides THAT …

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