CliqueClack TV

Katie Schenkel

Twitter: JustPlainTweets
Google Profile
Bio: Katie lives in Indianapolis and has an English degree from Butler University. Her day job is as a copywriter for a website developer. She's also an admitted film and TV junkie who makes an average of 20 Arrested Development/Futurama/Simpsons quotes a day. She writes and runs the movie website

Posts by Katie Schenkel

I’ve figured out what’s going to happen on the Community finale

Like Tom Hanks in ‘The Davinci Code’ (except you know, good), I have pieced the clues together to reveal the truth. I think I know what they don’t want you to know … YET. I think I know what’s going to happen in the season finale of ‘Community.’ Brace yourselves; it’s shiny.

Top Chef – A three hour tour (a three hour tour)

The final four get stranded on a desert island. Even as they dive for conch, make their own fire and cook against the elements, the contestants found time to compare themselves to Gilligan’s Island.

Being Human – Sam Witwer is the best part of this show

The word “heartbreaking” came up throughout the episode. From the preview last week, I was pretty sure what we were getting into. This still wasn’t an easy episode to watch, but man, powerful.

Top Chef – Some hot messes in the Bahamas

Remember last week, when each contestant pulled out practically flawless dishes and left the judges is awe? This is not last week.

Being Human – Yep, they Blew the Hatch

Was it the steamy, wolfy sex? Well, that sure didn’t hurt, but so much of this episode felt right that I can safely say Being Human’s hatch is blown!

Why we need to ignore Crazy Celebrity 2011

The last couple of weeks has given us a look at Super Crazytown, famous-style. I know it’s been a fun ride, but we need to pull the brakes before someone gets hurt.

Top Chef – We are family

The two most unlikely contestants bonded this week. We also got to see some of the best dishes of the season! Why hasn’t taste-o-vision been invented yet?

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