CliqueClack TV

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Google Profile
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

The Cape isn’t likely to get better than this

The other day I posted a preview of sorts for the first two hours of NBC’s ‘The Cape,’ so I won’t get too much into what I posted about there. What I will discuss briefly is what we learned in this episode and where things might be going, among other things.

Saturday Night Live – Jim Carrey / The Black Keys

‘Soul Train’ rejects, a fist-swallowing ballet dancer and an animatronic nightmare ride. It’s a Jim Carrey-hosted episode of ‘SNL,’ and we’ll have clips of most of the sketches here when we get ‘em!

If you can’t get past the campiness, The Cape is doomed

In my preview of NBC’s ‘The Cape,’ I ponder whether a crowd mentality severely skewed my initial impression of the show, and now I’m perhaps torn in two directions after a second viewing.

In which I coined the term “getting Buck Rogers-ed”

There you are, driving down the highway at night, and some idiot in front of you does something that takes you back to the 25th century.

My entry to Veronica Mars week – Better late than never

A couple of weeks ago we had five-or-so days of primo ‘Veronica Mars’ tribute content. I feel I did the show a disservice of not posting something of my own, so I’m making up for it now.

Christmastime on Ally McBeal: A blast from the past

A late entry to Christmas-themed posts, but I wanted to sneak this one under the wire before the new year. For RDJ and ‘Ally McBeal’ fans, this scene is a definite holiday treat.

The CliqueClack guide to 2010 New Year’s TV marathons

One thing many fans of television look forward to in carrying them into the new year is television marathons. Who needs DVDs, Netflix and Hulu when you can suffer through what a network has to offer all night, morning and the next day?

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