CliqueClack TV

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Google Profile
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

I’m done with Ghost Hunters

I’ve talked with these guys, I’ve met with these guys and I’ve even been with them on one of their hunt locations … and I really do like them! But the latest “guest investigator” stunt not only perplexed me, it’s made me tune out, possibly for good.

Psych – That is a damn fine cup of cider

Obviously there were ‘Twin Peaks’ references abound in this episode of ‘Psych,’ but did you catch them all? Read of the more obvious ones I found and let us know what others you noticed.

Stargate Universe – Nothing good comes from space junk

Well that was one damn fine fall finale, I will say that much. It had action, exploration, character building and even bits of humor thrown in.

Glee – Special Education – LiveClack

Join us here for our weekly ‘Glee’ LiveClack, where we can all discuss the show while it airs on the east coast. How do you rate the songs? What are your favorite scenes? See you here at 8 PM EST!

The Event – Didn’t see that coming. Oh wait, yes we did.

From the start of this series I believe quite a few of us guessed the reveal made at the end of this episode. But if this was so easy to guess, what does that mean for the rest of the show’s unsolved mysteries and their most plausible answers?

Aw, Dexter, you shouldn’t have

Though we find out a little more about Emily Birch this week, there are still questions as to her purpose. Meanwhile, I sure bet Liddy wishes he was an active police officer able to do anything about what he’s witnessing right about now.

Amazon’s Cyber Monday TV-related deals continues their holiday deals with “Cyber Monday” today, and we’ve got a bunch of those deals listed here. Need a cheap sub-$10 gift? Check some of these out.

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