CliqueClack TV

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Google Profile
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

Modern Family, Happy Town, The Middle – In that order

On the nights I’m actually able to watch three or more TV shows (whether they’re new, recorded or via DVD), I post my own personal ranking of how each fared against the other. Some spoilers may follow.

Happy Town has mysteries solved, mysteries presented

I was happy to see that there were more people willing to give this show another chance this week than not. So, was it enough to keep you coming back again, or is this show done for you? The ratings … they’re not so good.

Our guide to the summer 2010 TV season

The summer’s not quite here yet, but that doesn’t mean we’re not all looking forward to the return dates of our favorite summer shows. Here’s a list and calendar we’ll keep up-to-date of what’s coming and when, June through August.

Lost – The Candidate – Live-blog/chat

Join us here at 9 PM EDT for this week’s live ‘Lost’ chat, where we’ll be talking about the episode, posting up polls and trying to figure out what the heck is going on together. The series is almost over! See you then!

Breaking Bad – Family is all

I had heard a lot about last week’s episode of ‘Breaking Bad’ before it aired, saying how incredible it was. And it was. But THIS week … ho boy.

South Park – Shaddap Mimsyyyy!

How many people really find Towelie a funny member of the ‘South Park’ cast, and how many of you are just ready for him to be retired from the show already?

Happy Town isn’t trying to be Twin Peaks, so ease off

Why do fans of ‘Twin Peaks’ need to crap all over ‘Happy Town,’ just because it kinda-sorta reminds them of their beloved show, but isn’t as good? Can’t we just enjoy it on its own and leave ‘Twin Peaks’ out of this?

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