CliqueClack TV

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Google Profile
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

South Park – Tom Cruise: closet hider, fudge packer

There are plenty of people who read this site who have a better memory than I do, especially when it comes to ‘South Park.’ So, tell me: has there ever been an episode that ended in a flat-out cliffhanger before?

Lost – Everybody Loves Hugo – Live-blog/chat

A Hugo/Hurley-centric episode is in store for us tonight. Will we get the same sort of revelations as we did from last week’s episode? Tune in here at 9 PM Eastern for our weekly live-blog/chat and let’s talk ‘Lost!’

Breaking Bad – Gustavo plays a little game with Walt and Jesse

Gustavo is one smart bugger. We don’t really know why he’s so extremely interested in Walter beyond his cooking methods, but one thing’s certain: he wants Walter around for quite a while and back to cooking soon.

Saturday Night Live – Tina Fey/Justin Bieber

Usually I don’t pay much attention to the photos of the guest that pop up after commercial breaks, but this week’s … let’s just say, if you’re hot for Tina Fey, you have a few new wallpaper photos to choose from.

Supernatural – You breed with the mouth of a goat

It was only a matter of time before Gunn from ‘Angel’ would step in to help Sam and Dean clean house.

South Park – Facebook is TRON and Chat Roulette is dicks

‘South Park’ rolled a few recent, common trends into this episode, including Facebook, Chat Roulette and ‘TRON,’ and … hey, who’s this Kip Drordy kid who wants to friend me? Ignore!

Lost – Happily Ever After – Live-blog/chat

We’re back for our weekly ‘Lost’ live-blog chat. Hey, it’s the last season, so come join us already! See you at 9 PM EDT tonight.

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