CliqueClack TV

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Google Profile
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

Caprica’s V-World has never heard of respawning

‘Caprica’ is still going about things at a near snail’s pace, but what may have finally given us a big step forward in the story is the final word from Daniel: “Zoe.”

Psych and Mr. Yin: a theory I’m banking on

Our illustrious commenting Clique has come up with the most compelling answer to the riddle of who Mr. Yin is from this past season finale of ‘Psych,’ and it’s hard to argue with it.

PodClack – Episode Three: Legend of the Beaker

Jay Black is joined once again by co-host Christy T., director Brian Herzlinger, Rich Keller and Christina Black in this week’s look at the TV landscape and more.

Psych’s Yin killer couldn’t be someone we’ve met, could he?

Remember what I was saying last week, about ‘Psych’ not having a story arc? Well, I think Mr. Yin may have finally come into the picture to keep Shawn on his toes.

Frakkin’ Clack – Would you play an online game based on BSG?

Some of the latest news I read points to two things I really dig: gaming and ‘Battlestar Galactica.’ Namely, a MMOG based on ‘Battlestar Galactica.’ And you know what? I think it’s a crappy idea.

SNL’s ‘Pageant Talk’ sketch video: it’s finally here!

I know that more than a few people were looking for this sketch to appear online, but NBC hadn’t released it … until now. Enjoy, you bunch of stinky old Bojangles sausage biscuits!

Lost – Dr. Linus – Live-blog/chat

We’ve seen little of Benjamin Linus in the past few episodes of this season, and he comes back to the forefront in tonight’s episode. Join us here at 9 PM EST and clack about what you think, like and don’t like about the episode. See you then!

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