CliqueClack TV

Keith McDuffee

Twitter: Gudlyf
Google Profile
Bio: I'm the founder of the CliqueClack network. I was editor for Aol's TV Squad for three years, having also written for several other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network. I'm also a full-time IT Manager for a web company in Massachusetts.

Posts by Keith McDuffee

South Park – Cartman is now Jewish, and full-contact Easter egg hunting

Cartman’s plan to use Easter and a made-up creature to ruin Passover for Kyle is foiled to the nth degree, while Sooper Foods brings a “safe” Easter egg hunt to town. Here are some choice quotes from the episode.

How Persons Unknown would have progressed – Interview with RĂ©mi Aubuchon

We spoke with one of the leading minds behind the short-lived ‘Persons Unknown’ to get the lowdown on how it would have progressed, and he delivered. Contained within are some details about ‘Falling Skies’ and ‘Stargate Universe’ as well.

Awake – What if there’s more than one Michael?

While being bored again by this week’s episode of ‘Awake’ — though less than with the previous two — a sort-of epiphany came to me about what’s going on with Michael and the two worlds he seemingly inhabits.

South Park – Aren’t Internet memes so 2000 and late?

Faith Hilling, Taylor Swifting, Oh Long Johnsoning … when will it end?! Here are some choice quotes from the latest episode about Internet memes, and some lyrics to boot.

Supernatural – All our friends are dead

The Winchester boys may believe they’re quite alone in the world right now, but they’re still getting help from some unlikely places … or, for ‘Supernatural’, perhaps it’s more likely than not.

Awake – As a procedural, it’s starting to not work for me

I’ve defended ‘Awake’ and its use of procedural-like, dramatic cop elements to surround a supernatural story, but I’m already getting sick of it too.

South Park – The secret formula for gold

So I guess the saying “what comes around, goes around” applies to jewelry as well. Here are some choice quotes from the “Cash For Gold” episode of ‘South Park.’ And remember: “Whoever made the rhyme did the crime.”

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