CliqueClack TV

Meredith O'Brien

Twitter: MeredithOBrien
Bio: An over-caffeinated Boston area freelance writer, I write about pop culture and politics for my blog, Notes from the Asylum ( and pen a weekly pop culture and politics column for the web site Mommy Tracked . . . that's when I'm not obsessing about Mad Men or the Boston Red Sox.

Posts by Meredith O'Brien

Rescue Me – Sheila, of all people, saves the day

A legacy of bad and outrageous behavior threatened to publicly destroy the lives of everyone associated with Tommy Gavin’s firehouse … until Sheila put an end to a reporter’s character-assassinating crusade.

Covert Affairs — Mixed feelings as Annie comes clean

There’s always something to criticize about a ‘Covert Affairs’ episode, but inevitably I wind up being seduced by the show’s flawed yet cool and endearing moments, especially where Annie and Auggie are concerned.

Rescue Me – The specter of 9/11 looms large

Despite the poignant 9/11-related scenes that were powerful in their lack of dialogue, the rest of this episode zigged and zagged all over the place.

Covert Affairs – Annie’s immune to Ben’s charms … for now

Not only did Annie prove that she has the chops to deliver, side-by-side in the field with Joan (who’s mighty impressive herself), but she decided she’s no longer available for Ben’s occasional booty calls.

Rescue Me – Are the women REALLY in charge?

Loud-mouthed Tommy may have loudly railed against the matriarchy in the Gavin household and declared himself in charge, but he still wound up at the store buying tampons.

Covert Affairs – Auggie goes rogue … and shirtless

Auggie’s vacation to Istanbul turned into a revenge caper as viewers learned how Auggie lost his sight.

Rescue Me – Tommy Gavin’s got a big, fat mess of a family

The final season of ‘Rescue Me’ has begun and, one episode in, Tommy Gavin’s still, tenuously, on the wagon even though his freshly engaged daughter has fallen off.

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