CliqueClack TV

Meredith O'Brien

Twitter: MeredithOBrien
Bio: An over-caffeinated Boston area freelance writer, I write about pop culture and politics for my blog, Notes from the Asylum ( and pen a weekly pop culture and politics column for the web site Mommy Tracked . . . that's when I'm not obsessing about Mad Men or the Boston Red Sox.

Posts by Meredith O'Brien

Covert Affairs – Expecting the unexpected

If you could overlook the unbelievable elements in this episode of ‘Covert Affairs’, you got to watch Annie work her Sydney Bristow magic with vodka.

Covert Affairs – Auggie is where he belongs

This light summer spy series continues to entertain me, even as it adds a character I’m not all that crazy about.

Covert Affairs – Annie jumped out of a plane while Auggie showed off his abs

I worried that this episode was going to be too by-the-numbers, that Annie would seamlessly trick everyone and nab the bad guy lickety-split. Then the episode took some pleasing, surprising turns.

The Killing – So who killed Rosie Larsen?

We waited all this time and we STILL don’t know, definitively, who killed Rosie Larsen.

Covert Affairs – Sydney Bristow’s little sister enjoys glamour, flirtation & a $7,000 purse

After the emotional Ben Mercer storyline of last week, ‘Covert Affairs’ went with an episode filled with good old spy craft.

The Killing – ‘I know what you did’

A week of tales about a real life, lewdly tweeting politician was capped with tales of a fictional politician behaving badly. Well at least ‘The Killing’s’ plotline is rocketing forward to its conclusion.

Covert Affairs – There are always going to be questions with Ben

The sophomore season premiere offered a little romance, lots of intrigue and some very Sydney Bristow-esque moves.

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