CliqueClack TV

Meredith O'Brien

Twitter: MeredithOBrien
Bio: An over-caffeinated Boston area freelance writer, I write about pop culture and politics for my blog, Notes from the Asylum ( and pen a weekly pop culture and politics column for the web site Mommy Tracked . . . that's when I'm not obsessing about Mad Men or the Boston Red Sox.

Posts by Meredith O'Brien

Parenthood – Do you REALLY want to know if your teenage daughter is having sex?

This episode was a fine example of why ‘Parenthood’ is doing a superior job of depicting realistic, modern day parenting.

Parenthood – Amber: Poster child for the angsty, outsider teen

Amber’s always been the square peg who didn’t fit in the cliched round hole. Now that all her college applications have been rejected, she’s freaking out over not fitting in anywhere.

Grey’s Anatomy – The musical episode, with a side of blood

I’ll give ‘em this much: Many of the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ cast members have wonderful voices.

Parenthood – Consequences, leaps of faith & broken hearts

Crosby paid for his gross error in judgment while other members of the Braverman family took some risks and a couple had their hearts broken.

Grey’s Anatomy – Keep your eyes on the road

At the conclusion of a solid episode with a strong Alzheimer’s storyline, ‘Grey’s’ unfortunately took a soap opera route with its final scene.

Big Love goes out with a bang and an embrace

‘Big Love’ ended its run with a political debate about the rights of polygamists, statutory rape charges, gun violence and, at last, peace.

Big Love – The second-to-last episode disappointed

The penultimate installment of ‘Big Love’ was one preposterous mess. Seriously, the show deserved better than this.

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