CliqueClack TV

Meredith O'Brien

Twitter: MeredithOBrien
Bio: An over-caffeinated Boston area freelance writer, I write about pop culture and politics for my blog, Notes from the Asylum ( and pen a weekly pop culture and politics column for the web site Mommy Tracked . . . that's when I'm not obsessing about Mad Men or the Boston Red Sox.

Posts by Meredith O'Brien

Parenthood – The plots all thicken

This episode was all about story line advancement — Camille’s infidelity, Amber’s betrayal, and Zeek’s financial woes all came a wee bit clearer.

Private Practice – Forgiveness, love, and a pregnancy in peril

More love triangle drama — do they really all have to be with the same people all of the time? — while Violet seeks Pete’s forgiveness.

Grey’s docs get sensitivity training

While the docs got schooled on how to treat patients kindly, Derek and Owen dealt with guilt and Cristina mourned.

Parenthood FINALLY remembers the grandparents

After several weeks of focusing on the four adult siblings’ trials and tribulations with child-rearing, marriage, and work, ‘Parenthood’ at last allowed the grandmother to have a scene or two.

Grey’s characters argue about babies and job contracts

A heartbroken McSteamy had to watch while his grandson was given up for adoption while Callie and Arizona continued to disagree about having a baby.

Pete versus Violet in court, and everybody’s angry

While Pete and Violet aggressively duked it out in court over custody of their baby, everybody on ‘Private Practice’ took sides.

About that Peter Krause dancing scene, and a much improved Parenthood

Not only was the latest episode of ‘Parenthood’ quite good, it also included a gloriously geeky scene with Peter Krause “dancing” to Run DMC’s “It’s Tricky.” Oh yes it did.

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