CliqueClack TV

Rachel Blum-Jose

Twitter: Leftovereater
Google Profile
Bio: Rachel's obsessions include (in no particular order): running, television, black and white cookies, piano, good coffee, craft beer, a cappella music, pizza, writing, and sangria. Even better when experienced in the same day. She's bad at updating blogs and baby books, and tries not to feel too guilty about it.

Posts by Rachel Blum-Jose

How many weeks of Traffic Light is a cat worth?

This ‘Callie’s in debt’ plot line is reminding me of ‘HIMYM’ once again. So’s the whole ‘one of us is dating a crazy person’ thing. Will ‘Traffic Light’ ever stand on its own?

Why can’t I stop watching Pretty Little Liars?

I’m thoroughly perplexed at my new addiction to ABC Family’s ‘Pretty Little Liars.’ Here I search for an explanation as to why people are becoming hooked on this show.

Traffic Light – Music class trumps threesome

A bizarro Jenkins-type character appears with an interesting proposition for Mike and Lisa; Ethan throws out scrunchies, and Adam doesn’t want to talk to anyone but dudes in his car.

Gossip Girl – A pizza grows in Brooklyn

Is anybody NOT a victim of the Bass / Van Der Woodsen / Humphrey clan? Blair self-destructs, Eric turns 18, and two neglected characters return to join in the fracas.

Seven shows I’d never watch in 3D

Upon hearing the announcement for Comcast’s 24-hour 3D channel, I began to think about shows I would hate to see in 3D. Add yours in the comments!

Felicity – CliqueClack Flashback

Felicity Porter made leaving a predetermined path and pursuing the unknown seem — while not exactly easy — somewhat comforting. She gave female viewers the guts to drop pre-med, chop off their locks, and do all sorts of other obligatorily humiliating college things.

Traffic Light – Old dogs and even older tricks

The second episode of FOX’s ‘Traffic Light’ made me wonder if these boys will ever act like men. Why is following the rules so important to people who are too old to play the game?

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