CliqueClack TV

Tara Shrodes

Bio: I have a long history in television and radio, writing and performing. In 1991, I won a Michigan Emmy Award for Comedy Acting. Emmy's wing broke off during a move. But I still love her. We all have our flaws.

Posts by Tara Shrodes

Glee – New Directions versus Trouble Tones

‘Glee’ continues to roll right along (sorry for the pun, Artie) with another episode that reminds me of the first season. And by that, I mean the writers are definitely back on track, baby!

The X Factor – And then there were seven

‘The X Factor’ let two competitors go this week, both by purely America’s vote as it turns out. I’m fine with the choices too. Spot on, America!

The X Factor – Astro’s half-assed “apology,” the mist, and the choirs

I knew some damage control was going on behind the scenes at ‘The X Factor’ this week, after young Astro’s ridiculous behavior. But was what we saw a sincere apology, or just more cockiness?

The X Factor – Astro throws a temper tantrum

One of the bottom two contestants on ‘The X Factor’ caused a bit of a scene last night. Let’s talk about it! I just loooove a good “scene!”

The X Factor – Not rock

Rock songs were the theme on ‘The X Factor’ this week. I think. I mean, the host Steve Reallybad kept telling me that. Loudly! Hmmm.

Glee – The mash-off, and everyone finds out Santana’s a lesbian

We heard an excellent mash-up of Adele songs on ‘Glee’ this week. Sue is at it again, Puck’s making a run for Shelby, and Santana is in big trouble. Big.

MusiClack – Hall and Oates and more

This weeks’ edition of MusiClack is purely Tara’s fault. It’s a Hall and Oates-athon. You might like it. Hey, Michael likes it! Hey Mikey!

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